Hydroclimate Research Group



Di Tian Headshot

Dr. Di Tian, Associate Professor (CV)

Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences
Earth System Science Program
226 Funchess Hall, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849
Phone: (334) 844-3819; tiandi@auburn.edu
Departmental Webpage: http://cses.auburn.edu/di-tian/


Fang Headshot

Dr. Fang Wang

Research Fellow IV

Office: 240 Funchess Hall
Email: fzw0024@auburn.edu

Fang received her PhD in Environmental Engineering Sciences from the University of Florida. Her research focuses on computational hydrology and deep learning for the earth systems.  


Tayler Headshot

Tayler Schillerberg

Ph.D. student, 8/2019-

Office: 251 Upchurch Hall
Email: tas0053@auburn.edu

Tayler is a NSF research trainee. She received her M.S. in Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences from Auburn University, and B.S. in Meteorology from Iowa State University. Her research focuses on climate impact on agriculture and food security. 3-min research video: https://youtu.be/e4sdBUHA-04  

Tayler Headshot

Dr. Linqiang Ge

Ph.D. student, 1/2020-

Office: 251 Upchurch Hall
Email: lzg0048@auburn.edu

Linqiang received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Towson University in Maryland. He is a faculty member in computer science at Columbus State University. He is studying part-time to pursue his second Ph.D. in Earth System Science through the Department of Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences. 

Kyle Headshot

Kyle Lesinger

Ph.D. student, 8/2020-

Office: 253 Upchurch Hall
Email: kdl0013@auburn.edu

Kyle is a NSF research trainee. He received his M.S. in Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences, and B.S. in Biology, both from Auburn University. His research interests include climate impact assessment, drought mechanisms and predictions, and environmental data science. 3-min research video: https://youtu.be/G66oHFjvszg  

Taufiq Headshot

Taufiq Rashid

Ph.D. student, 1/2021-

Office: 253 Upchurch Hall
Email: tzr0042@auburn.edu

Taufiq was a research assistant in the World Resources Institute in Washington D.C. He received his M.S. in Environmental Engineering (concentration in GIS) from the University of Georgia, and B.S. in Leather Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology in Bangladesh. His research focuses on improving evapotranspiration monitoring, forecasting, and modeling using satellite remote sensing and machine learning. 

Sudhanshu Headshot

Sudhanshu Kumar

Ph.D. student, 8/2022-

Office: 253 Upchurch Hall
Email: szk0237@auburn.edu

Sudhanshu received his M.Tech. in Earth System Science and Technology from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur and B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from IIT BHU Varanasi in India. His research focuses on investigating flash drought causations and predictions using data science and machine learning approaches.  



Undergraduate researcher

Undergraduate student

Office: 251 Upchurch Hall
Email: smh0089@auburn.edu

Currently accepting undergraduate summer interns to participate in the NSF CAREER project (link) or through AU's undergraduate research fellowship program (link).