G R I L L I N G 
T H E   O L D   C A R   B U F F S
East Alabama Old Car Club
Created by Roger W. Garrison

1. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

2. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

3. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

4. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

5. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

6. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

7. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

8. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

9. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

10. ________       ________________ 
        year                       make 

The ten old cars featured in Grilling the Old Car Buffs represent the nine different year models listed below:
1937 1940 1948 1949 1951 1952 1953 1957 1961
For grilling the membership at an old car club meeting the slides revealing the make and year model can be hidden for the first showing or moved to the end of the PowerPoint show.