Course Calendar and Announcements


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    Course Calendar

    This calendar is subject to change. Please check back often to make sure you have the most recent information.



    Dr. Dean Hendrix, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Computer Science and Software Engineering
    3127B Shelby Center
    Auburn University, AL 36849-5347
    Office Hours: 10:00am-11:00am MTWF or by appointment
    Voice: 334-844-6305
    Fax: 334-844-6329
    E-mail: dh AT auburn DOT e d u


    Teaching Assistants

    Section 001 and 004
    Billy Symon
    Office: 3136 Shelby Center
    Sections 002 and 003
    Prateek Hejmady
    Office: 3136 Shelby


    Course Overview

    COMP 2210 is designed to introduce fundamental data structures, their associated algorithms, and applications in which they are commonly used. An object-oriented approach to problem solving and program design will be emphasized in the lecture and reinforced in the lab.

    Specific course objectives are: (1) Be able to design, implement, and apply data structures based on specifications of abstract data types. (2) Be able to apply concepts and techniques from object-oriented programming. (3) Be able to perform fundamental testing and debugging techniques. (4) Be able to perform fundamental maintenance activities. (5) Be able to perform fundamental time and space analysis on algorithms.

    For detailed information on the course, including grading policies and general course policies, please refer to the syllabus.