What is YAE (Young Adult Experiences)?
YAE is a one-of-a-kind, first in the nation project. The purpose of this cool project is understand more about the lives of young adults after high school who are from Alabama and have participated in our Relationship Smarts Project (RS+). The YAE project is based out of Auburn University and is run by a group of graduate and undergraduate students under the supervision of Dr. Jennifer Kerpelman.
What does the project entail?
The project entails a series of four (10 to 15 minute) on-line surveys. You also may be invited to participate in other opportunities. For each completed survey you will receive a $5 in amazon.com gift certificates. Amazon.com has all kinds of cool things like music, movies, games, books, clothes, electronics, sporting equipment, and much more. That’s $20 for an hour or less of your time!
What do I have to do to participate in the YAE project?
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
- Just provide us with your contact information by:
Going to: Click Here to enter information
You may email (yae@auburn.edu) or call (334-844-3253) and give us your
- Name
- Mailing Address
- Telephone Number
- E-mail address (if different than what we have)
- Expected graduation date
Once you provide this info, we can send you an assent/consent form and a return envelope. Then, read it, sign it, and send it back on the return envelope. This will not cost you a thing and will get you once step closer to earning the amazon.com gift certificates.
Once we have received the form, we will send you the links to take each survey. You can take the surveys from your computer at home, school, or your local public library. Once you complete each survey we will be sending you the gift certificates to your home address
And you are DONE!!!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
- What do I have to do to get paid? Complete up to four surveys that will take between 10-15 minutes each.
- How do I get paid? You will receive a $5 gift certificate for Amazon.com for each survey that you complete. (Four surveys – that means $20 if all surveys are completed). The gift certificates can be used to buy anything that Amazon sells, including books, movies, clothing, MP3 downloads, and much more.
- How will I receive the surveys? The survey will be completed online. You will be given the website address. If you don’t have a computer, most public libraries have access to computers and the internet. However, if you do not have access to a computer with internet access, we will mail a paper copy of each survey and provide a postage-paid envelope for you to return the survey in.
- How often will the surveys arrive? Each piece of the survey will become available approximately 4-8 weeks after the previous portion.
- Why types of questions will you ask me? We will be interested in finding out about your experiences after high school. Specifically, we are interested in your relationships with parents, friends, and dating partners.
- Can I tell my friends about the project? You can tell other friends from your high school who took the Relationships Smarts curriculum about the opportunity to participate in YAE!
- What about if I don’t feel comfortable answering some of the questions in the surveys or the phone interview? You can skip any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering.
- Do I have to pay for postage to send you the forms back? No! We will provide you with a stamped return envelope, so you only have to stick it in the mailbox and it’s good to go!
- What if I don’t have a computer at home to take the surveys? Check with your school or your local public library about using a computer with internet access.
- What happens if my amazon.com certificate does not work? Just e-mail us at yae@auburn.edu and we will take care within 1-2 business days!