newPackage("FunctionFieldDesingularization", Version => "0.4", Date => "October 21, 2019", Authors => {{Name => "Douglas A. Leonard", Email => ""}}, Headline => "a package for desingularization of function fields", Reload=>true ) export {"negLexMatrix", "arcs"} ---------------------------------------- --exported matrix for input as local ring ---------------------------------------- negLexMatrix = method() negLexMatrix ZZ := d->matrix( for i to d list( for j to d list( if j==d-i then -1 else 0 ) ) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Unexported subroutines for arcs--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --basic list operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GE=(uuu,vvv)->min(for i to #uuu-1 list uuu#i-vvv#i)>=0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GT=(uuu,vvv)->min(for i to #uuu-1 list uuu#i-vvv#i)>0; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GC=(L)->( f := for i to #L-1 list( if L#i!=0 then L#i else continue); g := gcd(f); L//g ); ------list A\ list B---------------------------------------------------- AnotB=(A,B)->(for i in A do( for j in B do if i==j then A=delete(j,A) ); A ); -------list A intersect list B------------------------------------------ AcapB=(A,B)-> AnotB(A,AnotB(A,B)); -------elements of list A with zeroth entry negative-------------------- negA=(A)->for i in A list if i#0<0 then i else continue; -------elements of list A with zeroth entry 0--------------------------- zerA=(A)->for i in A list if i#0==0 then i else continue; -------cyclic shift of first m entries of elements of list A------------ cycshft=(A,m)->(for i to m-1 list A#(i+1))|{A#0}| (for j to #A-m-2 list A#(m+j+1)); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --orthogonal complement of integer list m of length n over N------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ orth=(m,n)->( matrix( flatten( for i to n list( if m#i==0 then( {for j to n list( if j==i then 1 else 0 )} ) else if m#i<0 then( for k to n list( if m#k>0 then( for l to n list( if l==i then m#k else if l==k then -m#i else 0 ) ) else continue ) ) else continue ) ) ) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------reducing b in N by elements of pos------------------------------- --red=(b,pos)->( -- i:=0; -- bnew := b; -- while i<#pos and bnew != list0 do( -- if GE(bnew,pos#i) -- and bnew != list0 -- then bnew = bnew-pos#i -- else i=i+1 -- ); -- GC(bnew) -- ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ weights=(M,I,J,N,d)->( m:=N+d-2; O:=for k2 to N+d-2 list 0; ainit:=Ainit(M,I,J,N,d); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if #(M#0)!=2 then( neg := negA(ainit); zer := zerA(ainit); pos := AnotB(AnotB(ainit,neg),zer); if #pos>0 then( i:=0; while i0 and l1<#zp do( if GE(v,zp#l1) then( vv := for k1 to m list v#k1-zp#l1#k1; if vv!=O then v=GC(vv) else v=vv; l1 = 0; ) else( l1 = l1+1; ); ); --appending if v#i<0 then neg=sort unique append(neg,v); if v#i==0 and v!=O then zer=unique append(zer,v); if v#i>0 then pos=unique append(pos,v); k=k+1; ); j=j+1; ); i=i+1; zp=sort unique(zer|pos); if #zp>0 then( neg=sort(for i2 to #zp-1 list if zp#i2#i<0 then zp#i2 else continue); zer=sort(for j2 to #zp-1 list if zp#j2#i==0 then zp#j2 else continue); pos=sort(for k2 to #zp-1 list if zp#k2#i>0 then zp#k2 else continue); ); ); ); ); if #(M#0)==2 then ainit else zer|pos ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ printWeights=(R,b,IM)->( L1 := {}; iM := flatten entries gens IM; N := #iM; MM := unique(for i to #iM-1 list for j to numgens(R)-1 list degree(R_j,iM#i)); M := for i to #MM-1 list for j to #MM-1 list for k to numgens(R)-1 list MM#j#k-MM#i#k; for i to N-2 do( for j from i+1 to N-1 do( S := weights(M,i,j,N,numgens(R)-1); if S != {} then( L1 = append(L1,S); ); ); ); L4 := {}; if L1 != {} then( L2 := transpose matrix(flatten (L1)); L3 := unique(for i to numColumns(L2)-1 list L2_i); L4 = for i to #L3-1 list if sum(entries L3#i)>1 then flatten entries transpose matrix(L3#i) else continue; ); L4 ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --A Gr\"obner basis should be an ideal, not a matrix-------------------- GB=(I)-> ideal(flatten entries gens gb I); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ redneg=(f)->( if #f==0 then( f ) else( s:=unique flatten ( for i to #f-1 list( g := factor(f#i); for j to #g-1 list g#j#0 ) ); ss:=for i to #s-1 list( for j to numgens(ring(f#0))-1 list degree((ring(f#0))_j,s#i) ); for i to #ss-1 list( if sum(ss#i)>0 then s#i else continue ) ) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ distinctFactors=(nlist)->( n1 := for i to #nlist-1 list factor(nlist#i); n2 := for i to #n1-1 list for j to #(n1#i)-1 list n1#i#j#0; unique flatten n2 ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ saturateByList=(nlist,eideal)->( e1 := eideal; for i to #nlist-1 do (e1 = saturate(e1,ideal(nlist#i));); e1 ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- gblist appends an element v to a list, reduces the ideal generated by -- the appended list and produces a list of gb elements for it gblist:=(init,newelement)-> ideal flatten entries gens gb (init+newelement); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ redgE:=(g,E,P)->( e := ideal(for i to numgens(E)-1 list (E_i)*P_0^0); (g*P_0^0)%e ); redfE:=(f,E,R)->( e := ideal(for i to numgens(E)-1 list (E_i)*R_0^0); (f*R_0^0)%e ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --initialization function for the i,j weight computation---------------- --run this for 0<=i( Sinit := (orth(M#i#j,d)*transpose matrix(M#i)) _(AnotB(for k to N-1 list k,{i,j})); Tinit := matrix entries(orth(M#i#j,d)); sort(apply(entries(Sinit|Tinit),k->GC(k))) ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ possibleInit=(b,initialNEQ,initialEQ)->( -- b an element of R, -- initialNEQ a list of elements of P, -- initialEQ an ideal of P R := ring(b); P := coefficientRing(R); F := coefficientRing(P); d := numgens(R)-1; localMap := map(R,R,matrix{for i to d list P_i+R_i}); constantTerm := map(R,R,matrix{ for i to d list promote(P_i,R)}); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- local affine polynomial, since the constant term is assumed to be zero Bbar := localMap(b)-constantTerm(b); -- Vbar, the list of monomials supporting B Vbar := flatten entries (coefficients(Bbar))#0; -- Cbar, the corresponding list of coefficients Cbar := flatten entries transpose (coefficients(Bbar))#1; -- genericInit, the minimal monomials with constant coefficients in Bbar genericInit := flatten entries gens gb ideal( for i to #Cbar-1 list( if (degree(Cbar#i))#1==0 then Vbar#i else continue ) ); -- standard is the sum of standard terms standard := Bbar%ideal genericInit; -- V is the list of standard monomials of B V := flatten entries (coefficients(standard))#0; -- C is the corresponding list of coefficients C := flatten entries transpose (coefficients(standard))#1; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Start with EQ the ideal generated by the constant term NEQ := {initialNEQ};--list of lists of P elements EQ := {initialEQ};--list of P ideals INIT := {ideal(genericInit)};--list of R ideals TAIL := {standard};--list of R elements ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ k := 0; while k < #NEQ do( tail := TAIL#k; eqk1 := GB(EQ#k); if tail != 0 then( monid := ideal(leadMonomial(tail)); newcoeff := redgE(lift(leadCoefficient(tail),P),eqk1,P); neqk1 := flatten({NEQ#k}|{newcoeff}); neqk1 = flatten(for jj to #neqk1-1 list distinctFactors({neqk1#jj})); if neqk1 != {} then neqk1 = unique(neqk1); if all(neqk1,i->i!=0) then( NEQ = append(NEQ,neqk1); EQ = append(EQ,eqk1); INIT = append(INIT,gblist(INIT#k,monid)); TAIL = append(TAIL,redfE(redfE(tail,monid,R),eqk1,R)); ); dist := product(distinctFactors({newcoeff})); eqka := GB(eqk1+ideal(dist)); genlista := flatten entries gens eqka; eqkb := ideal(flatten(for jj to #genlista-1 list product(distinctFactors({genlista#jj})))); eqkc := GB(eqkb); if eqkc != ideal(promote(1,ring(eqkc))) then( genlistc := flatten entries gens eqkc; eqkd := ideal(flatten(for jj to #genlistc-1 list product(distinctFactors({genlistc#jj})))); eqk2 := GB(eqkd); neqk2 := unique(for i to #(NEQ#k)-1 list ((NEQ#k)#i)%eqk2); neqk2 = distinctFactors(neqk2); if all(neqk2,i->i!=0) then( EQ = append(EQ,eqk2); NEQ = append(NEQ,neqk2); INIT = append(INIT,INIT#k); TAIL = append(TAIL,(tail-leadTerm(tail))%promote(eqk2,R)); ); ); ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ k=k+1; ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- returning sublists NEQ, EQ, INIT newinits:=( NEQ=for i to #NEQ-1 list if #(NEQ#i)>0 then distinctFactors(NEQ#i) else NEQ#i; for i to #NEQ-1 list ( if TAIL#i==0 and unique(NEQ#i) != {0} and promote(EQ#i,P)!=ideal(promote(1,P)) then (i,unique(NEQ#i),GB(EQ#i),(INIT#i)) else continue) ); newinits ); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----printing results routine ------------------------------------------ --with input the output of possibleInit(F,b,d)------------------------- printInit=(A,d)->( NEQ := {}; EQ := {}; INIT := {}; for i to #A-1 do( B1 := A#i#1; B2 := for j to #(B1)-1 list if degree(B1#j)!= (for k to d list 0) then B1#j else continue; C1 := A#i#2; if numgens(C1)>0 then( for j to #B2-1 do C1=saturate(C1,ideal(B2#j)); C1 = GB(C1); r := ring(C1); if C1 != ideal((r_0)^0) then( NEQ = append(NEQ,B2); EQ = append(EQ,C1); INIT = append(INIT,A#i#3); ); ); ); {NEQ,EQ,INIT} ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --turns a translation and a minWeight into -- a unimodularTransformation map on the series ring R with coeffs from P ------------------------------------------------------------------------- unimodular=(w,P,R,E)->( d := numgens(R)-1; M := id_(ZZ^(d+1)); M = for i to d list M_i; i := 0; while w#i==0 and i1 do( for j to d do( if w#j!=0 and w#ji*m))); w = for n to d list if n!=i then (w#n)%(w#i) else w#i; ); M = rsort(matrix(M)); map(R,R, matrix{for i1 to d list promote((P_i1)%E,R)+product(for j1 to d list R_(d-j1)^((M_j1)_i1)) } ) ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --promote all the entries of m to R and make it into a matrix --in case all the entries of m are in the coeff ring P -- and M2 doesn't know to promote then to R in defining a map from R to R -- with matrix m with entries all from P pmatrix = (R,m)-> matrix{for i to #m-1 list promote(m#i,R)}; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --constant=(R)->map(R,R,matrix{for i to d list 0}); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- rho = (phim,E,b,P,R)->( d :=numgens(R)-1; fm := (phim(b))%promote(E,R); con := map(R,R,matrix{for i to d list 0}); cm := fm-con(fm); tm := terms(P,cm); dgm := for i to d list for j to #tm-1 list degree(R_i,tm#j); mdegm := for i to d list min(dgm#i); for i to d do cm=cm//(R_i^(mdegm#i)); cm ); --------------------------------------------------------------------- --Main exported method ----------------------------------------------------------------------- arcs = method() arcs(RingElement,Ideal,List,File):=(polyb,eq,ineq,fout)->( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --Initialization ----------------------------------------------------------------------- R := ring(polyb); P := coefficientRing(R); d := numgens(R)-1; prevlist := {-1}; levellist := {0}; Plist := {P}; for i to 12 do Plist=append(Plist,Plist#i[a_{i+1,0}..a_{i+1,d}]); Rlist := {R}; for i to 12 do Rlist=append(Rlist,Plist#(i+1)[x_{i+1,0}..x_{i+1,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]); blist := {polyb}; clist := {polyb%promote(eq,R)}; nlist := {ineq}; elist := {eq}; philist := {map(R,R,matrix{gens(R)})}; Philist := {map(R,R,matrix{gens(R)})}; leaflist := {"root"}; currentnode := 0; lastnode := 0; globalpars := 0; nodenumber := 0; i0 := 1; nextlevel := 1; fout << "===================================" << endl; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- while currentnode<=lastnode and globalpars==0 do( nextlevel = 1+levellist#currentnode; polyb = blist#currentnode; ineq = nlist#currentnode; eq = elist#currentnode; R = ring(polyb); P = coefficientRing(R); ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --computation of INITs------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PI := possibleInit(polyb,ineq,eq); Parts := printInit(PI,d); NEQ1 := Parts#0; EQ1 := Parts#1; INIT1 := Parts#2; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --computation of weights and unimodular transformations for each case ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --initialize neq1,eq1,ne1,WT,wt,test, --taustart,phistar,Pstar,Rstar,bnew,cnew, GBB,linear for Partnumber to #EQ1-1 do( if globalpars == 0 then( neq1 := redneg(NEQ1#Partnumber); eq1 := EQ1#Partnumber; ne1 := distinctFactors(for j to #neq1-1 list (neq1#j)%eq1); ne1 = for i to #ne1-1 list if max(for j to d list degree(R_j,ne1#i))>0 then ne1#i else continue; if eq1 != promote(ideal(1),ring(eq1)) then( WT := printWeights(R,polyb,INIT1#Partnumber); for i1 to #WT-1 do( if globalpars==0 then( wt := for j from #(WT#i1)-d-1 to #(WT#i1)-1 list WT#i1#j; test := true; for j to d do if ((Plist#(levellist#currentnode)_j)%eq1)==0 and wt#d==0 then test=false else continue; if sum(wt) !=1 and test==true then( phi := unimodular(wt,P,R,eq1); fout << "-------------------" << endl; fout << "currentnode=" << currentnode << ", lastnode=" << lastnode << ", lastvertex=" << i0 << endl; fout << "-------------------" << endl; i0 = i0+1; taustar := map(Plist#(nextlevel),R, matrix{gens Plist#(nextlevel)}); phistar := map(Rlist#(1+levellist#currentnode),R, matrix{gens Rlist#(nextlevel)}); Pstar := Plist#(nextlevel); Rstar := Rlist#(nextlevel); bnew := (rho(phistar*phi,eq1,polyb,Pstar,Rstar)); if degree(Rstar_d,bnew)<2 then globalpars=1; cnew := bnew%ideal(Rstar_d); --------print to file-------------------------------- fout << endl << "phi=" << endl; for i to d do fout << toString((phistar*phi)(R_i)) << endl; fout << endl; fout << endl << "Phi=" << endl; for i to d do fout << toString((phistar*phi*Philist#currentnode)((Rlist#0)_i)) << endl; fout << endl; fout << "Part#=" << Partnumber << endl; fout << endl << "neq="; fout << toString(for i to #ne1-1 list promote(ne1#i,Plist#(nextlevel))) << endl; fout << endl << "eq="; GBB := GB (ideal(Pstar_d) +ideal((map(Pstar,Rstar,matrix{gens Pstar}))(bnew)) +promote(eq1,Pstar) ); fout << toString(GBB) << endl; fout << "b=" << toString(bnew) << endl; --------------------------------------------------------- linear := "not a leaf"; dc := for i to d-1 list degree(R_i,cnew); if max(dc)>0 then( dcplus := for i to d-1 list if dc_i != 0 then dc_i else continue; if min(dcplus)==1 then( linear = "leaf"; ); fout << linear << endl; if linear != "leaf" then( nodenumber = 1+nodenumber; fout << "nodenumber=" << nodenumber << endl; lastnode = 1+lastnode; --updating node lists prevlist = append(prevlist,currentnode); levellist = append(levellist,nextlevel); blist = append(blist, bnew); clist = append(clist, cnew); nlist = append(nlist, (for i to #ne1-1 list promote(ne1#i,Pstar))); elist = append(elist,GBB); philist = append(philist, phistar*phi); leaflist = append(leaflist,linear); Philist = append(Philist, phistar*phi*Philist#(currentnode)); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); ); currentnode = 1+currentnode; -- if currentnode <= lastnode then print(currentnode,lastnode); ); {prevlist,levellist,clist,blist,nlist,elist,philist,leaflist,Philist} ); ----------------------------------------------- -- documentation and tests ----------------------------------------------- beginDocumentation() document { Key => DesingularizationTree, Headline => "Producing node labels for a tree of domains in a strong desingularization of function fields", "Leonard 2019 contains a purely algebraic theory for producing a strong desingularization of function fields of arbitrary dimension d and arbitrary characteristic p. This involves multihomogeneous coordinates, valuations, local orderings, initial monomials, unimodular transformations, to find d explicit independent local parameters ans an explicit local unit to describe formal Laurent series expansions of regular functions.", PARA{ "This has been tested using several examples from the literature, but we are hoping to find more for testing of this and comparison with other methods!" }, } document { Key => { negLexMatrix }, Headline => "set up a local (series) monomial ordering matrix for the input", Usage => "negLexMatrix(d)", Inputs => { "d" => "the dimension, a positive integer" }, Outputs => { "negLexMatrix" => Matrix => "negative lex d\times d matrix" }, EXAMPLE lines /// M = negLexMatrix(d); ///, PARA { "The rings should be poly rings over poly rings with local monomial orerings to emphasize series" } } document { Key => { arcs }, Headline => "coomputes node lables for the desing tree", Usage => "(prevlist,levellist,clist,blist,nlist,elist,philist,leaflist,Philist) = arcs(d,polyb,ineq,eq)", Inputs => { "polyb" => "irreducible polynomial for the domain A_k", "ineq" => "list of inequality constraints for the part", "eq" => "ideal of equality constraints for the part", "fout" => "output file to which results are written" }, Outputs => { "prevlist" => List => "previous node in tree list", "levellist" => List => "level determines the rings being used", "clist" => List => "irreducible mod x_d", "blist" => List => "irreducible", "nlist" => List => "inequality constraints", "elist" => List => "ideal of equality constraints", "philist" => List => "birational change of variables maps between node and previous node", "leaflist" => List => "leaf of tree or not", "Philist" => List => "birational change of variables maps between node and root node" }, EXAMPLE lines /// fout = openOut "curve_example0"; F = QQ; d = 1; P0 = F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 = P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 = x_{0,0}^3+x_{0,0}*x_{0,1}+x_{0,1}^5; n0 = {}; e0 = ideal(a_{0,0}^3+a_{0,0}*a_{0,1}+a_{0,1}^5); tree = arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); b1 = x_{0,0}^3+x_{0,0}^2*x_{0,1}^4+x_{0,1}^5; n1 = {}; e1 = ideal(a_{0,0},a_{0,1}); tree = arcs(b1,e1,n1,fout); fout << close; ///, PARA { "Each node is described by an irreducible polynomial bnew, cnew its reduction mod x_d, a list of inequality constraints, an ideal of equaltiy constraints, a birational change-of-variables from its previous node, and one from the root as well" } } TEST /// fout = openOut "curve_example0"; F = QQ; d = 1; P0 = F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 = P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 = x_{0,0}^3+x_{0,0}*x_{0,1}+x_{0,1}^5; n0 = {}; e0 = ideal(a_{0,0}^3+a_{0,0}*a_{0,1}+a_{0,1}^5); tree = arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); b1 = x_{0,0}^3+x_{0,0}^2*x_{0,1}^4+x_{0,1}^5; n1 = {}; e1 = ideal(a_{0,0},a_{0,1}); tree = arcs(b1,e1,n1,fout); fout << close; assert(globalpars==0); /// TEST /// fout := openOut "curve_example1" F := ZZ/2 d := 1 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 := x_{0,0}^17+ x_{0,0}^7*x_{0,1}^6+ x_{0,1}^25; n0 := {}; e0 := ideal(a_{0,0}^17+ a_{0,0}^7*a_{0,1}^6+ a_{0,1}^25); time tree1 := arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); b1 := x_{0,0}^17+ x_{0,0}^10*x_{0,1}^19+ x_{0,1}^25; n1 := {}; e1 := ideal(a_{0,0}, a_{0,1}); time tree2 := arcs(b1,e1,n1,fout); fout << close assert(globalpars==0); /// TEST /// fout := openOut "Kollar_3.12"; F := QQ d := 2 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 := x_{0,0}^3+ (x_{0,1}^2-x_{0,2}^6)^2+ x_{0,2}^21; n0 := {}; e0 := ideal((a_{0,0}^3+ (a_{0,1}^2-a_{0,2}^6)^2+ a_{0,2}^21)); time tree := arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); fout << close assert(2==2) /// TEST /// fout := openOut "Kollar_3.12light"; F := QQ d := 2 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 := x_{0,0}^3+ (x_{0,1}^2-x_{0,2}^3)^2+ x_{0,2}^8; n0 := {}; e0 := ideal((a_{0,0}^3+ (a_{0,1}^2-a_{0,2}^3)^2+ a_{0,2}^8)); time tree := arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); fout << close assert(3==3) /// TEST /// fout := openOut "Kollar_2.65char0" F := QQ d := 2 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 := x_{0,0}^4+ x_{0,0}^2*x_{0,1}*x_{0,2}^9+ x_{0,0}*x_{0,1}^9*x_{0,2}+ x_{0,1}^5*x_{0,2}^5; n0 := {}; e0 := ideal(a_{0,0}^4+ a_{0,0}^2*a_{0,1}*a_{0,2}^9+ a_{0,0}*a_{0,1}^9*a_{0,2}+ a_{0,1}^5*a_{0,2}^5); time tree := arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); fout << close assert(4==4) /// TEST /// fout := openOut "Cutkosky7.35.1" F := ZZ/2 d := 3 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 := x_{0,0}^2+ x_{0,1}^3*x_{0,2}+ x_{0,1}*x_{0,3}^3+ x_{0,3}*x_{0,2}^7; n0 := {}; e0 := ideal(a_{0,0}^2+ a_{0,1}^3*a_{0,2}+ a_{0,1}*a_{0,3}^3+ a_{0,3}*a_{0,2}^7); time tree := arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); d := 2 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; B0 := x_{0, 1}^3+ x_{0, 0}^2*x_{0, 2}+ x_{0, 1}*x_{0, 2}+ x_{0, 2}^2; N0 := {}; E0 := ideal(a_{0, 1}^3+ a_{0, 0}^2*a_{0, 2}+ a_{0, 1}*a_{0, 2}+ a_{0, 2}^2); time tree := arcs(B0,E0,N0,fout); fout << close assert(5==5) /// TEST /// fout := openOut "Cutkosky7.35.2" F := ZZ/2 d := 2 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 := x_{0,0}^2+ x_{0,1}^4*x_{0,2}+ x_{0,1}^2*x_{0,2}^4+ x_{0,2}^7; n0 := {}; e0 := ideal(a_{0,0}^2+ a_{0,1}^4*a_{0,2}+ a_{0,1}^2*a_{0,2}^4+ a_{0,2}^7); time tree := arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); d := 1 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; B0 := x_{0, 0}^4+ x_{0, 1}+ x_{0, 0}^2*x_{0, 1}+ x_{0, 1}^2; N0 := {}; E0 := ideal(a_{0, 0}^4+ a_{0, 1}+ a_{0, 0}^2*a_{0, 1}+ a_{0, 1}^2); time tree := arcs(B0,E0,N0,fout); fout << close assert(6==6) /// TEST /// fout := openOut "non-singular" F := ZZ/2 d := 2 P0 := F[a_{0,0}..a_{0,d}]; R0 := P0[x_{0,0}..x_{0,d}, Weights=> entries negLexMatrix(d),Global=>false]; b0 := x_{0,0}+ x_{0,0}^2*x_{0,1}+ x_{0,1}^2+ x_{0,2}^3+ x_{0,0}^2*x_{0,1}*x_{0,2}; n0 := {}; e0 := ideal(a_{0,0}+ a_{0,0}^2*a_{0,1}+ a_{0,1}^2+ a_{0,2}^3+ a_{0,0}^2*a_{0,1}*a_{0,2}); time tree := arcs(b0,e0,n0,fout); fout << close assert(7==7) /// end