Le Chen’s Homepage at Auburn#
Indices and tables#
Table of Contents#
- About Me
- Funding support
- Research
- Publication
- Submitted or under preparation
- Published or to appear
- 34. chen.ouyang.ea:23:parabolic
- 33. chen.kuzgun.ea:23:on
- 32. chen.eisenberg:22:invariant
- 31. chen.guo.ea:22:moments
- 30. candil.chen.ea:23:parabolic
- 29. chen.eisenberg:23:interpolating
- 28. chen.huang:23:superlinear
- 27. chen.khoshnevisan.ea:21:spatial
- 26. balan.chen.ea:22:parabolic
- 25. chen.hu:22:holder
- 24. chen.khoshnevisan.ea:22:spatial
- 23. chen.khoshnevisan.ea:21:spatial
- 22. chen.khoshnevisan.ea:21:clt
- 21. chen.khoshnevisan.ea:22:central
- 20. balan.chen.ea:22:exact
- 19. chen.hu.ea:21:regularity
- 18. chen.kim:20:stochastic
- 17. chen.huang.ea:19:dense
- 16. chen.hu.ea:19:nonlinear
- 15. chen.huang:19:comparison
- 14. chen.kim:19:nonlinear
- 13. chen.hu.ea:18:intermittency
- 12. balan.chen:18:parabolic
- 11. chen.hu.ea:17:two-point
- 10. chen.kim:17:on
- 9. chen.cranston.ea:17:dissipation
- 8. chen.khoshnevisan.ea:17:boundedness
- 7. chen:17:nonlinear
- 6. chen.hu.ea:17:space-time
- 5. chen.khoshnevisan.ea:16:decorrelation
- 4. chen.dalang:15:moment
- 3. chen.dalang:15:moments*1
- 2. chen.dalang:15:moments
- 1. chen.dalang:14:holder-continuity
- Ph.D. Thesis
- Unpublished notes
- Teaching
- Some recent/selected talks
- Mentoring
- Service
- Outreach
- Miscs
- Contact me