AMS Special Session on Topics in Stochastic Analysis/Rough Paths/SPDE and Applications in Machine Learning
Tallahassee, FL, March 23-24, 2024
Two graduate students who have been working on this project throughout
Math 7820/30: Applied Stochastic Processes (2023/24):
Mauricio Montes
Ian Ruau
DMS-Probability: No. 2246850
No. 959981
Family-Vicsek scaling relation
\begin{align*} \sigma_L(M) ∼ L^β f\left(M/L^γ\right), \quad β = 1/2, \quad γ = 3/2. \end{align*} \begin{align*} f(x) \sim \begin{cases} x^ν, & x ≪ 1, \\ 1, & x ≫ 1, \end{cases} \quad ν = 0.30 ± 0.02. \end{align*}How to explain growth rate 1/3
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation
\begin{align*} ∂_t h = ν ∇^2 h + λ(∇h)^2 + η, \end{align*}5% nonsticky + 95% sticky
50% nonsticky + 50% sticky
90% nonsticky + 10% sticky
95% nonsticky + 5% sticky
98% nonsticky + 2% sticky
99% nonsticky + 1% sticky