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Math 7000/7010: Applied Mathematics I/II

2022 Academic Year, Auburn University


Lecture Instructor Dr. Le Chen lzc0090@auburn.edu
Class Time and Room TR, 09:30 AM -- 10:45 PM Parker Hall 354 (2022 Fall), 228 (2023 Spring)
Office hours TR, 15:00 PM -- 15:50 PM Parker Hall 203

Course description

Applied mathematics consists of lots of analysis related topics; see the table of content of the textbook.

This is a sequence of two-semester courses -- Math 7000 and Math 7010. Through this sequence of two courses, we will cover the most parts of the textbook.



Over the two semesters, we may cover the first eight chapters of the book:


Students obligations and tips

This is a demanding course and it requires a great deal of work from your side. In order to successfully master the material and complete the course, you are expected to

Note: The syllabus was created in April 2022, and it is subject to changes during the semester.


Test and exam



Tentative schedule


Chapter/Section Slides Slides Lecture Notes
Chapter 1: Finite dimensional vector spaces presentation compact  
1.1. Linear vector spaces pres. comp.  
1.2. Spectral theory for matrices pres. comp.  
1.3. Geometrical significance of eigenvalues pres. comp. Notes
1.4. Fredholm alternative theorem pres. comp.  
1.5. Least squares solutions -- Pseudo inverses pres. comp. Notes
1.6. Applications of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions pres. comp. Notes
Chapter 2: Function spaces presentation compact  
2.1. Complete vector spaces pres. comp. Notes
2.2. Approximation in Hilbert spaces pres. comp. Notes, Notes
Chapter 3: Integral equations presentation compact  
3.1. Introduction pres. comp. Notes
3.2. Bounded linear operators in Hilbert space pres. comp. Notes
3.3. Compact operators pres. comp. Notes
3.4. Spectral theory for compact operators pres. comp. Notes, Notes
3.5. Resolvent and pseudo-resolvent kernels pres. comp. Notes, Notes
3.6. Approximate solutions pres. comp. Notes
3.7. Singular integral equations pres. comp. Notes
Chapter 4: Differential operators presentation compact  
4.1. Distributions and the delta function pres. comp. Notes Notes Notes Notes
4.2. Green function pres. comp. Notes Notes
4.3. Differential operators pres. comp. Notes
4.4. Least squares solutions pres. comp.  
4.5. Eigenfunction expansions pres. comp.  
Chapter 5: Calculus of variations presentation compact  
5.1. The Euler-Lagrange equations pres. comp.  
5.2. Hamilton principle pres. comp.  
5.3. Approximation methods pres. comp.  
5.4. Eigenvalue problems pres. comp.  
Chapter 6: Complex variable theory presentation compact  
6.1. Complex valued functions pres. comp. Notes
6.2. The calculus of complex functions pres. comp. 6-2-1 and 6-2-2 6-2-3 6-2-4
6.3. Fluid flow and conformal mappings pres. comp. 6-3-1 6-3-2 6-3-2
6.4. Contour integration pres. comp. 6-4 6-4 6-4
6.5. Special functions pres. comp. 6-5-1 6-5-2
Chapter 7: Transform and spectral theory presentation compact  
7.1. Spectrum of an operator pres. comp.  
7.2. Fourier transforms pres. comp. 7-2-1 7-2-1, 7-2-1, 7-2-1
7.3. Related integral transforms pres. comp. 7-3-1
7.4. Z transforms pres. comp.  
7.5. Scattering theory pres. comp.  
Chapter 8: Partial differential equations presentation compact  
8.1. The Poisson equation pres. comp.  
8.2. The wave equation pres. comp.  
8.3. The heat equation pres. comp.  
8.4. Differential-difference equations pres. comp.  
Chapter 9: Inverse scattering transform presentation compact  
9.1. Inverse scattering pres. comp.  
9.2. Isospectral flows pres. comp.  
9.3. Korteweg-deVries equation pres. comp.  
9.4. The Toda lattice pres. comp.  
Chapter 10: Asymptotic expansions presentation compact  
10.1. Definitions and properties pres. comp. 10-1
10.2. Integration by parts pres. comp. 10-2
10.3. Laplace method pres. comp. 10-3 10-3
10.4. Method of steepest descents pres. comp. 10-4 Some codes for plotting the complex functions
10.5. Method of stationary phase pres. comp. 10-5



Honor code

Your success in this class is important to me. We will all need accommodations because we all learn differently. If there are aspects of this course that prevent you from learning or exclude you, please let me know as soon as possible. Together we will develop strategies to meet both your needs and the requirements of the course.

I encourage you to visit the Office of Accessibility to determine how you could improve your learning as well. You can register and make a request for services from the Office of Accessibility. In this case, please do inform me of such requests. See the following link for more information:

Harassment and Discrimination


© Le Chen, Math 7000/7010 -- Fall 2022, Auburn.