1. Some common anti-patterns in LaTeX such as
    • Avoid using the pair of dollar signs for the centered equations (there is no directionality in the dollar signs)):
       E = m c^2

      Instead, use \begin{align*}....\end{align*} or similar environment.
    • Use \textit{...} instead of {\it ...}.
  2. Add a tilde when making a reference, such as
    • As proved in~\cite{.....}, ....
    • By~\eqref{E:...}, ....
    • Thanks to Theorem~\ref{T:...}, ....
  3. Making your label more readable with prefix:
    • For equations, you may start with E:, such as \label{E:SHE}
    • For Theorems, you may start with T:, such as \label{T:Main}
    • For Lemmas, you may start with L:, such as \label{L:Ito}
    • For Propositions, you may start with P:, such as \label{P:Naive}
    • For Corollaries, you may start with C:, such as \label{C:Lyapunov}
    • For Sections, you may start with S:, such as \label{S:Introduction}
    • For Subsections, you may start with SS:, such as \label{SS:Notation}
    • For Figures, you may start with F:, such as \label{F:Notation}
    • For Tables, you may start with Tb:, such as \label{Tb:Notation}
  4. Avoid white space in the labels and file names.
  5. Depending on if your text editor supports, if so, you may set up the textwidth to 80 characters
    per line, so that it is easy to read. For vim or neovim user, put the following line in your
    • set textwidth=80
  6. Use the modern engine such as lualatex or pdflatex to compile your tex file, which
    produces the pdf file without going through dvi.


It is preferable to use Biber to as the backbone to handle .bib file.