Eric Marcus
Professor, Department of Philosophy, Auburn University
My first book, Rational Causation (Harvard University Press 2012), has been reviewed in Analysis (Sara Worley), The Journal of Moral Philosophy (John Schwenkler), The Philosophers’ Magazine (Clayton Littlejohn), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (James A. Montmarquet), Metapsychology (George Tudorie) and Reason Papers (Bernardo Aguilera). Analysis has also published a précis, Kieran Setiya’s portion of an APA session on Rational Causation and my reply. An interview, part of the New Books in Philosophy podcast series, is here.
My second book, Belief, Inference, and the Self-Conscious Mind (2021) is available from Oxford University Press. Keshav Singh has reviewed it for Mind; Ryan Simonelli has reviewed for Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. A symposium in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research is posted below.
A new book, Between Thought and Expression: On the Incarnation of Meaning, is in preparation.
- The Space of Reasons as Self-Consciousness : Australasian Journal of Philosophy (forthcoming)
- 'Belief' and Belief : European Journal of Philosophy (forthcoming)
- Precis of Belief, Inference, and the Self-Conscious Mind : Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (forthcoming)
- Replies to Leite, Shaw, and Campbell : Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (forthcoming)
- Knowing What You Want : in Forms of Knowledge (ed.) Lucy Campbell (forthcoming)
- Aesthetic Knowledge : Philosophical Studies 2022; 179 (8):2507-2535
- Rational Agency: in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Agency. 2022 (ed) Luca Ferrero: 118-124
- Wanting and Willing: European Journal of Philosophy 2021; 29 (4): 887-899
- Inference as Consciousness of Necessity: Analytic Philosophy 2020; 61 (4): 304-322
- Reconciling Practical Knowledge with Self-Deception: Mind 2019; 128 (512): 1205-1225
- Assertion and Transparent Self-Knowledge: Canadian Journal of Philosophy (with John Schwenkler) 2019; 49 (7): 873-889
- Practical Knowledge as Knowledge of a Normative Judgment: Manuscrito 2018; 41, (4): 319-347
- Aesthetic Rationality: Journal of Philosophy (with Keren Gorodeisky) 2018; 115 (3): 113-140, Winner of the 2020 Arthur Danto American Philosophical Association/American Society for Aesthetics Prize
- To Believe is to Know that You Believe: dialectica 2016; 70, (3): 375–405
- On the Parallels between Theoretical and Practical Rationality: Reply to Setiya: Analysis 2013; 73 (3):512-525
- Why There Are No Token States: The Journal of Philosophical Research 2009; 34: 215- 241
- Intentionalism and the Imaginability of the Inverted Spectrum: The Philosophical Quarterly 2006; 56: 321-339
- Events, Sortals, and the Mind-Body Problem: Synthese 2006; 150: 99-129
- Mental Causation in a Physical World: Philosophical Studies 2005; 122: 27-50
- Why Zombies are Inconceivable: Australasian Journal of Philosophy 2004; 82 (3): 477-490
- Mental Causation: Unnaturalized, But Not Unnatural: Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 2001; 63(1): 57-83