Need: надо, нужно

  1. The words надо and нужно are used to express the necessity to do something.
  2. The person who needs to do something, will be in the dative case.
  3. The verb indicating the action that needs to be done will be in the infinitive: Мне надо купить новое пальто.
    I need to buy a new coat.
    Нам нужно спешить домой.
    We need to hurry home.
  4. Don't confuse the word нужно with the short adjectives нужен, нужна, нужно, нужны.
  5. The short adjectives are used to indicate that something or someone is needed. The person who needs something or someone, or needs to do something will be in the dative case:
    Мне нужны деньги.
    I need money.
    Сергею нужна эта книга.
    Sergey needs this book.
    Нам нужно спешить домой.
    We need to hurry home.

Copyright ©. George Mitrevski. Auburn University.