Economic Regulation and Subsidies

The role of the state


Adam Smith and The Wealth of Nations

The Early American Experience - funding not regulation

State intervention in the market

Roosevelt and the Great Depression

Impact of New Deal policies

National Industrial Recovery Act - NRA (1933-1935)

National Labor Relations Act - 1935

Fair Labor Standards Act - 1938

World Wars

A New Awareness - Public Health and Safety - the environmental and consumer movements

Regulation or Incentives

Economic and Social Regulation

Economic Subsidies

Direct Subsidies

Indirect subsidies

Justification (?)

Subsidies to the auto industry

U.S. Farm Subsidies - 1992

In millions

Feed Grains                             9,738
Wheat                                   2,510
Cotton                                  1,443
Dairy                                     232
Rice                                      715
Peanuts                                    41

(Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1993, table 1110)

Middle Income Tax Subsidies - 1994

In millions

Mortgage interest deduction for home
     owners                                  48,145
Exclusion of employer contribution
     to health insurance                     63,225
Exclusion of tax on pension plans            70,475
Limited tax on Social Security               19,025              
Deferred capital gains on house sale         14,620
Deduction of property tax on home            14,015
Deduction for charitable contributions       13,090
Deduction of State and local taxes           27,195

(Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1993, table 515)

Free Trade

United States Exports and Imports by Country

                              Exports   Imports   Balance

Canada                        90,562    98,497      -7,935
Japan                         47,764    97,181     -49,418
Mexico                        40,598    35,189       5,408

(Source: Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1993, table 1351)

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