Feeding Wheat Midds to Beef Cattle

    Most of the wheat in the U.S. is processed into flour for human consumption.  There are several by-products from this processing but the primary one is wheat middlings.  Wheat middlings generally contain 70% TDN and 18% crude protein.  Wheat midds are usually finely ground and reddish-brown in color but can be purchased as small pellets as well.  They are prone to absorbing moisture and thus may mold under long-term storage conditions.  They are fairly palatable to cattle.  When using as a supplement for brood cows consuming average-quality bermudagrass hay (52% TDN and 10% protein), a lactating cow will need 6 to 8 pounds per day to meet her energy needs.  When used for growing cattle we have found them to be useful in broiler litter-based diets with a feeding value slightly less than corn or soyhulls.  Researchers in North Carolina and South Dakota have fed free-choice wheat midds to weaned calves with good results.  In South Dakota calves consumed 8.6 pounds of wheat midds and 10.1 pounds of hay per day with an average daily gain of 1.8 pounds per day.  North Carolina results showed that 515-pound calves consumed 12.4 pounds of wheat midds and only 4.3 pounds of hay per day with an average daily gain of 2.23 pounds per day.  No problems such as bloat or acidosis were observed in either of the trials.  Note:  whenever concentrate feeds are fed free-choice exercise good bunk management (i.e., do not let feed run out and then refill, free-choice means feed available all the time).