Dr. Mary Rudisill is the Director and a Wayne
T. Smith Distinguished Professor of Motor Development in the School of
Kinesiology at Auburn University. She earned her doctorate in Movement
Science Education from Florida State University in 1985. She is a former
Executive Board member for the American Kinesiology Association (AKA)
and is currently the chair of the AKA Diversity Taskforce and the AKA
member representative for the development of the National Collegiate
Fitness Index (NCFI) Survey.
Dr. Rudisill currently collaborates with
early childhood motor specialists around the world. She is co-director
and researcher in the Pediatric Movement and Physical Activity
Laboratory at Auburn University and is the director of a research
program designed to create and investigate model physical play programs
for young children. Her primary research objectives have been to learn
more about what motivates children to learn to move and engage in
physical activity.
Over the past 20 years, she advanced from
studying this topic in laboratory settings to intervening in
naturalistic settings. This research has lead to the development of
field-tested motor interventions based on achievement goal theory and
self-determination theory. Dr. Rudisill has published 6 books, 18 book
chapters, and over 60 papers related to this research topic, and
internationally recognized for her work in early childhood motor
2013 Appointed Chair of the AKA Diversity in Kinesiology Taskforce
2012 Nominated and elected AKA representative on the AKA-ACSM-NAK
partnerships on healthy universities committee to develop the National
Collegiate Fitness Index (NCFI) Survey
2010 Nominated and elected Executive Board member, American Kinesiology
2010 Member, Auburn Day Care Board of Directors
2009 Rudisill, M. E. [PI], Robinson, L. E., & Wadsworth, D. D. [Co-I]
Exploring physical activity response to different motivational climates
in rural African American children: A school-based approach to
increasing physical activity through physical education. National
Institutes of Health – National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development R03 Exploratory Grant: Understanding the Mechanisms of
Health Risk Behavior. Amount $75,000.00 (Funded)
2009 Invited Keynote Speaker at the Physical Education and Sport Studies
Seminar at National University, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Rudisill, M. E.
(In press). Designing Research Interventions: Connecting with the
Practical World. In N.C. Valentini & J. R. Krebs (Eds.) Intervention
and assessment: designing studies for children and adolescents.
Artmed editora.
Parish, L. E., & Rudisill, M. E. (In
press). Engaging Young Children in Physical Activity: Implementing
Effective Theoretically-driven and Research-based Interventions. In N.C.
Valentini & J. R. Krebs (Eds.) Intervention and assessment: designing
studies for children and adolescents. Artmed editora. (25%)
Rudisill, M. E., &
Robinson, L. E.,& Yi, S. (2013). Adolescence Growth and Development. In.
D. J. Cothran (Ed.). Learning for a Lifetime: Effective Secondary
Physical Education Programs. Higher Education Press, Beijing, China.
Rudisill, M. E. (2012).
Active Auburn. In Hastie, P. A., Rudisill, M. E., Russell,
J., & Wadsworth D.D. Physical Activity and Health Electronic
Textbook: A physical health curriculum for colleges and universities.
New York: McGraw Hill. (25%
Rudisill, M. E. (2011).
Golf. In Hastie, P. A.1, Rudisill, M. E., Russell, J., &
Wadsworth D.D.. Physical Activity and Health Electronic Textbook: A
physical health curriculum for colleges and universities. New York:
McGraw Hill. (100%)
Rudisill, M. E. (2011).
Judo. In Hastie, P. A., Rudisill, M. E., Russell, J., &
Wadsworth D.D. Physical Activity and Health Electronic Textbook: A
physical health curriculum for colleges and universities. New York:
McGraw Hill. (100%)
Rudisill, M. E. (2009).
Stress Reduction. In Hastie, P. A.1 , Rudisill, M. E.,
Russell, J., & Wadsworth D.D. Physical Activity and Health Electronic
Textbook: A physical health curriculum for colleges and universities.
New York: McGraw Hill. (100%)
Rudisill, M. E. (2009).
Swimming for Fitness. In Hastie, P. A., Rudisill, M. E.,
Russell, J., & Wadsworth D.D. Physical Activity and Health Electronic
Textbook: A physical health curriculum for colleges and universities.
New York: McGraw Hill. (100%)
Rudisill, M. E. (2009).
Running for Fitness. In Hastie, P. A., Rudisill, M. E.,
Russell, J., & Wadsworth D.D. Physical Activity and Health Electronic
Textbook: A physical health curriculum for colleges and universities.
New York: McGraw Hill. (100%)
Rudisill, M. E. (2009).
Walking for Fitness. In Hastie, P. A., Rudisill, M. E.
Russell, J., & Wadsworth D.D. Physical Activity and Health Electronic
Textbook: A physical health curriculum for colleges and universities.
New York: McGraw Hill. (100%)
Rudisill, M. E. (2009).
Beginning Swimming. In Hastie, P. A., Rudisill, M. E.,
Russell, J., & Wadsworth D.D. Physical Activity and Health Electronic
Textbook: A physical health curriculum for colleges and universities.
New York: McGraw Hill. (100%)
*Timmons-Lawton, E., Hamilton, R., &
Rudisill, M. (2009). Internal-External locus of control beliefs and
self-pacing in elementary school children learning a gross motor task.
In Rubie-Davies, C. M., & Rawlinson, C. (Eds.) Challenging Thinking
about Teaching and Learning. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Journal Articles
*Logan, S.W., Robinson, L.E., Rudisill, M.E.,
Wadsworth, D., & Morera, M. (In press). The comparison of performances
of at-risk school-age children on two motor assessments. Physical
Education & Sport Pedagogy.
*Moore, T. Sorokulova, I., Pustovyy, O., Globa,
L., Pascoe, D., Rudisill, M. & Vodyanoy, V. (in press - online
Aug 2013). Microscopic and thermodynamic evaluation of vesicles shed by
erythrocytes at elevated temperatures. Journal Microscopy Research
and Techniques.
*Breslin, C. M., Robinson, L. E., &
Rudisill, M. E. (2013). The effects of picture task cards on
performance of the Test of Gross Motor Development by typically
developing children. Early Child Development and Care,
183, 200-206. doi://10.1080/03004430.2012.665369
*Morea, M., Rudisill, M. E., Wadsworth,
D. D. (2013). Body mass index and weekday and weekend days step counts
for fifth grade Costa Rican children. Ciencia cultura y deporte.
Breslin, C. M., & Rudisill, M. E.,
(2013). Relationship between Assessment Time, Time on Task, and Motor
Skill Performance in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Adapted
Physical Activity Quarterly.
Buchanan, A. M., Hinton, V., & Rudisill, M.
E. (2013). Using positive behavior support (PBS) in physical
education. The Journal of Physical Education,
Recreation, & Dance. (20%)
Wadsworth, D. D., Robinson, L. E., Rudisill, M. E. & *Gell, N. (2013). The influence of motivational climates on the physical activity in rural, African American Children. Journal of School Health,
83, 5, 306–313. (30%)Hastie, P. A., Rudisill, M. E., &
Wadsworth, D. D., (2013). Providing students with voice and choice:
Lessons from intervention research on autonomy-supportive climates in
physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 18(1), 38-56.
*Spessato, B. C., Gabbard, C., Valentini, N.
C., & Rudisill, M. E. (2012). Gender differences in Brazilian
children's fundamental movement skill performance. Early Child
Development and Care, 182, 1-6 (20%).
Robinson, L. E., Rudisill, M. E.,
Weimar, W. H., *Shroyer, J. F., *Breslin, C. M., & *Morera, M. (2011).
The Influence of Footwear on Preschooler’s Locomotor Skill Performance.
Perceptual and Motor Skills. 113(2),
534–538 (20%).
*Breslin, C. M. & Rudisill, M. E.
(2011). The Effect of Visual Supports on the Performance of the Test of
Gross Motor Development for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. (40%)
Quindry, J. C., D. Yount, H. *O’Bryant &
Rudisill, M. E. (2011). Exercise retention is differentially
motivated by age-dependent factors. American Journal of Health
Behavior, 35(3), 334-345.
Robinson, L. E.,
Rudisill, M. E., & Goodway, J. D. (2009). Instructional
climates in preschool children who are at-risk. Part II: Perceived
physical competence. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,
80(3), 543-551. (Also listed in Section C-2. Publication pertaining
to Outreach Scholarship) (25%)
*Martin, E. H., Rudisill, M. E. &
Hastie, P. (2009). The effectiveness of a mastery motivational climate
motor skill intervention in a naturalistic physical education setting.
Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 14, 227 - 240. (30%)
*Wall, S. J., Rudisill, M. E., &
Gladden, L. B. (2009). Cortisol Response to Physical Activity in African
American Toddlers Attending Full-Time Day Care. Research Quarterly
for Exercise and Sport, 80(4), 739–746.
*Breslin, C. M., *Garner, J., Rudisill, M.
E., *Parish, L.E., *St.Onge, Paul. M., & Weimar, W. (2009). The
Influence of the Size and Weight of the Implement on the Humeral Lag in
Throwing. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 80(2),
375–379. (25%)
*Breslin, C. M., Morton, J. R., & Rudisill, M. E. (2009). Implementing a Physical Activity Curriculum into the School Day: Helping Early Childhood Teachers Meet the Challenge" Early Childhood Education Journal. (30%)