\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amsfonts,amssymb,latexsym, hyperref} \begin{document} \begin{center} \textbf{Predicate Logic / First Order Logic} \end{center} \ The predicate logic system, also called first order logic, subsumes the logical rules that we have already considered (the `propositional logic'). It adds quantifiers, free variables and relations. \ Quantifiers. There are two quantifiers $\forall, \exists$: \begin{eqnarray*} \forall & \mbox{means} & \mbox{`for all'} \\ \exists & \mbox{means} & \mbox{`there exists'}. \end{eqnarray*} \ The letters, $x, y, z$ are typically used for free variables. \ Follow are some examples of relations I've made up. \begin{eqnarray*} H(x) & \mbox{means} & x \mbox{ is human} \\ M(x) & \mbox{means} & x \mbox{ is mortal}. \end{eqnarray*} So the statement $H(\mbox{Socrates})$ is true (if we don't worry about the time factor or change the ``is'' to ``was''); and the statement $H(\mbox{Mickey Mouse})$ is not true. So I can use a quantifier to tell us that there is such a thing as `Socrates' and that Socrates is human: $$\exists x(x = \mbox{Socrates})(H(x)).$$ We would read this as, `There exists an $x$ such that $x$ is \textit{Socrates} so that $x$ is human. And I can say that humans are mortal: $$\forall x(H(x) \Rightarrow M(x)).$$ The standard syllogism about Socrates can be written, $$[(\forall x (H(x) \Rightarrow M(x))) \wedge (\exists x(x=\mbox{Socrates})(H(x)))] \Rightarrow M(\mbox{Socrates}).$$ Notice that the following statement is also true, $$[(\forall x (H(x) \Rightarrow M(x))) \wedge (\exists x(x=\mbox{Mickey Mouse})(H(x)))] \Rightarrow M(\mbox{Mickey Mouse}).$$ For another example, consider the familiar arithmetic relation $R(x,y)$ which means $x$ is less than $y$ and which may be abbreviated $x < y$. So we can state the tri-part axiom (assume that the variables $x$ and $y$ are numbers; this avoids leading off with the relation stating $\forall x (x \mbox{ is a number}))$: $$\forall x (\forall y ((x r) \\ \mbox{d.)} & & \forall x (x^2 > r) \\ \mbox{e.)} & & \sim \exists x (x^2 < r) \\ \mbox{f.)} & & \sim \forall x (x^2 < r) \\ \mbox{g.)} & & \sim \exists x (x^2 > r) \\ \mbox{h.)} & & \sim \forall x (x^2 > r) \\ \mbox{i.)} & & \exists x (\sim (x^2 < r)) \\ \mbox{j.)} & & \forall x (\sim (x^2 < r)) \\ \mbox{k.)} & & \exists x (\sim (x^2 > r)) \\ \mbox{l.)} & & \forall x (\sim (x^2 > r)). \end{eqnarray*} Note that some of the third group of four are equivalent to some of the second group of four. Also note that, for example, that $\sim (x^2 < r)$ is mathematically equivalent to $(x^2 \ge r)$. \ \noindent II. Assume $r=0$: repeat exercises a-l for $r=0$. \ \noindent III. Let $P_r(x)$ be the statement $x^2r$. \begin{eqnarray*} \mbox{a.)} & & \exists r \exists x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{b.)} & & \forall r \exists x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{c.)} & & \exists r \forall x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{d.)} & & \forall r \forall x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{e.)} & & \sim \exists r \exists x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{f.)} & & \sim \forall r \exists x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{g.} & & \sim \exists r \forall x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{h.)} & & \sim \forall r \forall x P_r(x) \\ \mbox{a.)} & & \exists r \exists x (\sim P_r(x)) \\ \mbox{b.)} & & \forall r \exists x (\sim P_r(x)) \\ \mbox{c.)} & & \exists r \forall x (\sim P_r(x)) \\ \mbox{d.)} & & \forall r \forall x (\sim P_r(x)). \end{eqnarray*} Again note that some of the third group of four are equivalent to some of the second group of four. \ Exercise 1b. Convert each of the following statements into a symbolic representation in the predicate logic. Assume that $R(x,y)$ is some arbitrary relation. a.) For some pair $x,y$ the relation $R(x,y)$ is true. b.) For some pair $x,y$ the relation $R(x,y)$ is false. c.) The relation $R(x,y)$ is always true. d.) The relation $R(x,y)$ is always false. e.) For some value of $x$ the relation $R(x,y)$ is always true. f.) For some value of $x$ the relation $R(x,y)$ is always false. g.) For each $y$ there is an $x$ so that $R(x,y)$ true. h.) There is an $x$ so that for each $y$, $R(x,y)$ true. i.) If $x \in U$ then there is a $y \in U$ so that $R(x,y)$. \ Exercise 2. Translate the following logical statement into words, assume that all free variables are numbers and that the relations $<, +, -, \times, \ldots$ take on the values we're used to. Assume that $0, 1, 3, 3.56,$ etc. are the fixed constants with their traditional values. Determine which logical statements are true and find counter examples for those that are not true. Assume that $R(x,y)$ is some arbitrary relation. $$ \begin{array}{ll} \mbox{a.} & \forall x \forall y (x+y = y + x) \\ \mbox{b.} & \forall x \forall y (x-y = y - x) \\ \mbox{c.} & \forall x \exists y (x+y = y + x) \\ \mbox{d.} & \forall x \exists y (x-y = y - x) \\ \mbox{e.} & \forall x \exists y (x < y) \\ \mbox{f.} & \exists y \forall x (x < y) \\ \mbox{g.} & \forall x ((04$. I'll use the notation $H(x): x^2>4$ to indicate this. In this case $H(1.5)$ is false and the statement $H(3)$ is true. The statement $\exists x ( H(x))$ is true because there exists an $x$ such that $H(x)$, namely $x=3$. And the statement $\forall x (H(x))$ is false because $H(x)$ is not true for all $x$. Therefore I can write, for this meaning of $H(x)$: \begin{eqnarray*} \exists x(H(x)) & \mbox{equivalently} & \exists x (x^2>4) \ \ \mbox{ is true}; \\ \forall x(H(x)) & \mbox{equivalently} & \forall x (x^2>4) \ \ \mbox{ is false}. \\ \end{eqnarray*} \ Exercise 3. For an arbitrary relation $D(x)$, justify the following : \begin{eqnarray*} \sim (\exists x D(x)) & = & \forall x (\sim D(x));\\ \sim (\forall x D(x)) & = & \exists x (\sim D(x)). \end{eqnarray*} \ When there are two variables it gets more complicated. Suppose $B(x,y)$ is the statement $x < y^2$. The statement $$\forall x \exists y B(x,y)$$ should be parsed as follows: $$\forall x (\exists y (B(x,y))).$$ So in order for this statement to be true, we need to have that for all possible $x$ values, the statement $\exists y( B(x,y))$ must be true. We can interpret this in English as ``For all $x$ there is a $y$ so that $B(x,y)$.'' \noindent Equivalently: ``If $x$ is a number, there is a $y$ so that $B(x,y)$.'' \noindent or ``If $x$ is a number, there is a $y$ so that $x < y^2$.'' \noindent This statement is true, in fact any $y$ such that $y> \sqrt{|x|}$ should work. If this is correct, this says that the statement $$\forall x(B(x, \sqrt{|x|} +1))$$ is true. However the statement $$\exists y \forall x B(x,y)$$ is not true because there is no (fixed) number $y$ so that $x < y^2$ is always true; in fact we can always pick $x= y^2 + 1$ so make the statement false. \noindent Here are how the other possibilities go: \begin{eqnarray*} \exists x \forall y (x