Welcome to Frank Uhlig's home page!

My Web credo:

``Linko, ergo sum.''

Send e-mail. Or:
Postal address: Frank Uhlig, Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5310, USA .

Instructors interested in obtaining a copy my elementary Linear Algebra textbook

F. Uhlig : Transform Linear Algebra

should contact my publisher Prentice Hall.
This book is different from the standard textbooks: it is like no other elementary textbook in the development of concepts and foundations of Linear Algebra.

I am currently (Fall 2004) on Sabbatical, in and out of Auburn all the time.

In Spring Quarter 2005 I will teach one section of Linear Algebra MATH 2660, using the above textbook, and Numerical Linear Algebra MATH 5640/6640, using my notes that I have posted as a pdf file on my webpage.
(It is best to print those pages out 50 at a time as the the need arises and the course progresses.)

Talk for Coimbra 2004:

Elevation Matrices


My office hours (312 Parker Hall) are from 8 am to after 3 pm, except during the hours when I teach. [I do like to eat and go swimming in the noon hour ...])

My mathematical interests lie in Matrix Theory with all of its applications from Numerical Analysis to Mechanics and Education.

Details on our handbooks ``Numerical Algorithms with C (or Fortran)'', joint with G. Engeln-Müllges, Aachen, are carried by Springer, New York and Springer Germany. It will be easiest to find if you start a search at either one of the Springer sites with my last name.
You can also check our book's home page.

And if you just want to learn the latest Bundesliga standings, click and voilà ; or see pictures of John Coltrane and his saxophone . . .

If you want to reach me, here is my address and more:

Frank Uhlig
Department of Mathematics
Parker Hall
Auburn University
Auburn, AL 36849-5310, U S A
FAX : (334) 844-6555
office: (334) 844-6584

My office with the Math Department is in 312 Parker Hall, on the south side of Roosevelt Drive on the Auburn campus.

Or try to send me e-mail.

© copyright by FRANK UHLIG

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