LaTeX Tips and Tricks

  • trim pictures
    %trim option's parameter order: left bottom right top
    \includegraphics[trim = 10mm 80mm 20mm 5mm, clip, width=3cm]{chick}
  • Tighter space between Enumerations:
    \begin{enumerate} \itemsep 0pt  
       \item bla bla 
       \item Yeah yeah yeah 
  • Change space between bibitems in bibliography (need package natbib):
    \bibsep 3pt
  • Put text in the outside margin, use \marginpar{margin text}. To swap the default side, issue \reversemarginpar and that move margin notes to the opposite side.

  • Convert a jpef file to eps file:
    bmeps -c FigureOne.jpg FigureOne.eps

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