STAT 7030 Categorical Data Analysis by Peng Zeng
Codes and Datasets
01. Introduction
02. Review of Probability and Statistics
Heights of women -- statistical inference for normal distribution
Children's hair color -- goodness-of-fit test
03. Discrete Distributions and Their Inference
Opinion on legalization of abortion -- statistical inference for proporition
Aspirin and heart attack -- odds ratio
Children's hair color -- likelihood ratio test
04. Introduction to Generalized Linear Models
Heart disease and snoring -- binomial data
Aspirin and heart attack -- 2x2 table
Horseshoe crabs -- count data
British train accidents -- rate data
Logistic regression -- iteratively reweighted least squares
05. Logistic Regression
Horseshoe crabs -- logistic regression with one or more predictors
Maternal alcohol consumption -- logistic regression with a categorical predictor
Neuralgia -- multiple logistic regression
06. More Discussions on Logistic Regression
Horseshoe crabs -- variable selection
Admission to graduate school -- residuals
Coronary heart disease -- influence diagnostics
University of Massachusetts Aids Research Unit IMPACT Study (UIS)
07. Multicategory Logit Models
Alligator food choice -- baseline-category logit model
Mental health -- proportional odds model
Horseshoe crabs -- linear discriminant analysis and classification tree
08. Contingency Tables
Belief in afterlife -- two-way contingency table
Education and religious beliefs -- test independence of two categorical variable
Income and job satisfaction -- Test independence for ordinal data
Death penalty -- Simpson's paradox
Effects of ATZ on AIDS symptoms
Clinic trails
Job satisfaction
09. Log-Linear Models for Contingency Tables
High school students alcohol, cigarette, marijuana
Car accidents
Migration -- loglinear model for square table
Agreement between observers
10. More Examples of Generalized Linear Models
Fishing -- zero-inflated models
Air pollution
Crossover design
Epileptic seizure episodes
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