Allocosa absoluta LR
Notes: This species ranges from Texas to Florida and north to North Carolina. It has been collected in grass and litter in swamps, at lake edges, in pine forest, and on beaches and dunes.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Allocosa floridiana GL
Synonyms: Trochosa floridana, Arctosa floridana.
Notes: This species occurs mainly in Florida (including sites near the southeastern corner of Alabama) but also in Louisiana and Georgia. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama. Its habitat has been recorded as beaches and small fields within pine and magnolia forests.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Allocosa funerea LR
Synonym: Lycosa funerea.
Notes: Female holotype (L. funerea) from Alabama (destroyed). This species occurs in much of the eastern U.S. It has been collected in grassy fields, meadows, lawns, gardens and pine forests.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Allocosa furtiva LR
Synonym: Arctosa furtiva.
Notes: This species occurs along the coast from Texas to Florida and north to New York. A record (dot map) exists for south central Alabama. Most specimens have been collected in moist litter on beaches. A few have been collected in mesic hardwood forest.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Allocosa georgicola LR
Synonym: Lycosa riparia.
Notes: Recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Allocosa mulaiki GL
Notes: This species is known from Texas east to Florida and North Carolina. Florida records occur very near the southeastern corner of the state. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama. It has been collected in grassy fields, lake margins, bogs, swamps and pine forests.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Allocosa nocutuabunda LR
Synonym: Allocosa degesta.
Notes: Recorded from Florida, Arkansas and other points to the north and west, this species almost certainly occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Allocosa sublata LR
Notes: This species is known mainly from midwestern and northeastern states, however, a record (dot map) exists for Mobile Co., Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983b.
Arctosa lama LR
Notes: This species has been reported from southeastern Canada, Connecticut and and Alabama. All available habitat information indicates sphagnum bogs. The Alabama specimen was collected in Tuscaloosa County where no sphagnum bogs occur. It is likely that the locality data associated with this specimen are erroneous.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983a.
Arctosa littoralis PC
Synonym: Arkalosula panamana.
Notes: This species ranges from British Columbia to Nova Scotia and south to Panama. It has been recorded from Mississippi very near the Alabama border in Mobile Co. It is relatively common on stream sandbars throughout Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983a.
Arctosa sanctaerosae LR, PC
Synonym: Arkalosula sanctae-rosae.
Notes: This species occurs along the Gulf Coast from Mississippi to the Florida panhandle where it has been collected on sandy beaches. In Alabama, it is known from the Mobile Bay area.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983a.
Arctosa virgo GL
Notes: This eastern species has been reported as far south as Tennessee, near the Alabama border, and from Florida. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1983a.
Geolycosa fatifera LR
Notes: This taxon includes the "piceous variety" from Alabama, reported by Hentz in 1842 (specimens destroyed). It is distributed in the Coastal Plain from New Jersey to Florida and westward to Missouri. It has been collected in pine flatwoods in Florida and probably inhabits the most mesic habitats of any species in the genus.
Ref.: Wallace 1942.
Geolycosa turricola GL
Notes: This species has a range which extends south to Florida and west to Tennessee. It is found in sandy habitats and is likely to occur in Alabama.
Ref.: Wallace 1942, Kaston 1978.
Gladicosa bellamyi GL
Synonyms: Lycosa bellamyi, Avicosa bellamyi.
Notes: Recorded from the Florida panhandle, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Ohio, this species is considered likely to occur in Alabama. It has most often been collected in pitfall traps placed in wooded areas.
Ref.: Brady 1987.
Gladicosa gulosa LR
Synonyms: Alopecosa gulosa, Varacosa gulosa.
Notes: This species is distributed throughout most of the eastern U.S. except peninsular Florida. Alabama records include Bibb, Butler and Lee counties. It is usually collected in leaf litter in deciduous woods.
Ref.: Brady 1987.
Gladicosa huberti GL
Synonym: Scaptocosa huberti.
Notes: This species is known from South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. Georgia and Florida records occur at sites very near Alabama. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama. It has been collected in leaf litter near the edge of woods and in a marshy area near a pond.
Ref.: Brady 1987.
Gladicosa pulchra LR
Synonyms: Alopecosa pulchra, Scaptocosa pulchra.
Notes: Distribution in the eastern U.S. including records in Baldwin, Mobile, Butler and Lee counties, Alabama. It has been collected from deciduous tree trunks and under stones.
Ref.: Brady 1987.
Hogna annexa GL
Synonyms: Lycosa annexa
Notes: Known from Florida, Georgia and Mississippi, this species almost certainly occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: Kaston 1978.
Hogna antelucana GL
Synonyms: Lycosa antelucana
Notes: Known from Arkansas, Florida, and Mississippi, this species almost certainly occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: Kaston 1978.
Hogna aspersa LR
Notes: Recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1990.
Hogna benedicta LR
Synonyms: Lycosa benedicta
Notes: Recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1990.
Hogna carolinensis LR
Synonyms: Lycosa carolinensis
Notes: This species is known from throughout the U.S and has been reported from Alabama.
Ref.: Kaston 1978.
Hogna helluo LR
Synonyms: Lycosa helluo
Notes: Recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Kaston 1978.
Hogna lenta LR
Lycosa lenta
Notes: Recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Kaston 1978.
Hogna timuqua LR
Synonym:Lycosa timuqua
Notes: Recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1990.
Hogna watsoni GL
Synonym: Lycosa watsoni
Notes: Recorded from Florida, Georgia and Mississippi, this species probably occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: LaSalle and de la Cruz 1985, Dondale and Redner 1990.
Pardosa atlantica GL
Notes: This species ranges in the southeastern U.S. and is known from Mississippi and Georgia including records (dot map) near Alabama. Females of uncertain identity (possibly this species) have been collected in northern and central Alabama. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama. Its habitat seems to be pine, pine-oak and mixed hardwood forest.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1984, Vogel 2004.
Pardosa delicatula GL
Notes: This species has been collected mainly by pitfall trapping in pastures and grasslands. It ranges from western Texas to sites in Mississippi very near the Alabama border in Mobile Co. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1984.
Pardosa floridana GL
Synonyms: Pardosa albopilosa
Notes: This species has been collected in Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, and sites to the north. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama. Vogel (2004) did not include this species in her work except as a binomen in synonomy with P. littoralis. Others seem to feel that the correct name for this species is P. longispinata, although this name is not listed as a valid name in any of the current lists and is listed by Vogel (2004) as a synonym of P. littoralis. Although this species has been confused with P. littoralis in the past, P. floridana appears to be a distinct species.
Ref.:Kaston 1978.
Pardosa lapidicina PC
Notes: The range of this species has been described as New England south to North Carolina and west to Texas and Nebraska. In Alabama it is found commonly on granite rock outcrops.
Ref.: Vogel 2004.
Pardosa littoralis GL
Synonyms: Pardosa longispinata, P. ocala.
Notes: Primarily an inhabitant of salt marshes but also in association with beaches, lake shores, pin-oak forests, pine flatwoods and swamps. It ranges along the coast from Texas to Florida and north to Nova Scotia. Florida and Mississippi records (dot map) occur very near to Alabama borders. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1984, Vogel 2004.
Pardosa milvina LR
Synonym: Lycosa milvina.
Notes: Holotype female (L. milvina) from Alabama (destroyed). Range includes the eastern half of the U.S. Alabama records (dot map) include central and Mobile Bay areas. It occurs in a variety of habitats but is most abundant in moist areas.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1984, Vogel 2004.
Pardosa parvula LR
Notes: Recorded habitat for this species includes roadside grass, mowed field, sugar cane field, in goldenrod and pine flat-woods. It is known from Florida and southern portions of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1984, Vogel 2004.
Pardosa pauxila GL
Synonym: Pardosa georgiae.
Notes: This species occurs throughout the southeast and is known from Mississippi, Georgia and Florida. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama. It has been collected in grassy fields, agricultural fields and near stream and pond edges.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1984, Vogel 2004.
Pardosa saxatilis GL
Notes: This species is known from Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi and almost certainly occurs in Alabama.
Ref.:Vogel 2004.
Pirata alachuus LR
Notes: This species is known from Blount, Houston and Macon counties in Alabama. It has been found in leaf litter of mesic woods, cultivated fields and occasionally in exposed areas.
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Pirata apalacheus LR
Notes: The southeastern U.S., Illinois and Kansas are included in the range of this species. In Alabama it has been recorded from Baldwin, Madison, Marshall and Tuscaloosa counties. It has been collected from leaf litter and under logs in a variety of habitats including mesic woods.
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Pirata hiteorum LR
Notes: This southeastern species has been reported from Madison Co., Alabama. It has been collected in pitfall traps and under rocks in meadow-like habitats.
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Pirata insularis LR
Synonym: Pardosa bilobata.
Notes: This species occurs in southern Canada and the U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains. In Alabama it has been reported from Jackson and Mobile counties. It has been found in the vegetation of moist hammocks, swamps and marshes.
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Pirata mayaca GL
Notes: This species is known from Florida, Georgia and Mississippi and is probably a member of the Alabama fauna.
Ref.: LaSalle and de la Cruz 1985, Roth 1993.
Pirata minutus GL
Notes: This species has a range which extends south to Florida and west to Texas.
Ref.: Kaston 1978, Roth 1993.
Pirata sedentarius LR
Notes: The distribution includes southern Canada, U.S. Mexico, Cuba and Haiti. In Alabama, it is known from Clarke, Lowndes, Mobile, Russell and Tuscaloosa counties. It is usually collected on or near water.
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Pirata seminolus GL
Synonyms: Pirata seminola
Notes: This species has been reported from Florida and Louisiana. It is likely that it occurs in Alabama
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Pirata spiniger GL
Notes: This species has been reported from Florida and Arkansas. It is likely that it occurs in Alabama
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978
Pirata suwaneus LR
Notes: This species seems to be restricted to the southeastern U.S. and West Indies. In Alabama, it has been recorded from Mobile Co. It has most often been collected by pitfall trapping in a variety of habitats including agricultural fields and moist natural habitats.
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Pirata sylvanus LR
Notes: This southeastern species is known from Alabama, but no specific locality information is available. It has been collected from under stones near streams and from pitfall traps in cultivated fields.
Ref.: Wallace and Exline 1978.
Rabidosa hentzi GL
Synonyms: Lycosa hentzi
Notes: Recorded from Louisiana, Georgia and from Jackson County, Florida near the Alabama line.
Ref.:Brady and McKinley 1994.
Rabidosa punctulata LR
Synonyms: Lycosa punctulata, Hogna punctulata
Notes: Recorded from Lee and Madison counties.
Ref.:Brady and McKinley 1994.
Rabidosa rabida LR
Lycosa rabida, Hogna rabida
Notes: Recorded from Dallas, Etowah, Lee and Tuscaloosa counties.
Ref.: Brady and McKinley 1994.
Schizocosa avida LR
Synonyms: Lycosa erratica, L. sagittata, Avicosa avida.
Notes: Syntypes (L. erratica and L. sagittata) from Alabama (destroyed). Distribution is the eastern U.S. Alabama records (dot map) include Baldwin Co. and east central Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa bilineata GL
Notes: This species ranges in southern Canada and the eastern U.S. It is known from Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas and Louisiana. It has been reported from Alabama.
Ref.: Skinner 1974, Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa crassipes LR
Synonym: Lycosa crassipes.
Notes: Known from the extreme southeastern U.S. Alabama records (dot map) exist for central, south central and northwestern areas.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa duplex LR
Synonym: Isohogna duplex.
Notes: This species is distributed in the eastern U.S. and has been collected in south central and east central Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa floridana GL
Notes: Known from Georgia and Florida, with a record very near the border of Baldwin Co., Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa humilis GL
Notes: This species ranges from Arkansas to Florida and north to Ontario. Most records (dot map) are in coastal areas. It has been collected in marshes or sphagnum bogs in northern areas. A record appears at the border of Florida and Baldwin Co., Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa ocreata LR
Synonym: Lycosa ocreata.
Notes: Distributed in the eastern half of the U.S. and Mexico. Alabama records (dot map) exist for most of the state. This species is common in forest glades and at meadow-forest interfaces. It is often found near water.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa retrorsa LR
Synonyms: Schizocosa aulonia, Scaptocosa retrorsa.
Notes: Distribution in the eastern U.S., west to western Texas. Alabama records (dot map) exist for northwestern and central areas.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa rovneri LR
Notes: Recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Uetz and Dondale 1979.
Schizocosa salsa GL
Notes: Recorded from North Carolina and coastal Mississippi,this species probably occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: Barnes 1953, LaSalle and de la Cruz 1985, Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa saltatrix LR
Synonyms: Lycosa saltatrix, Lycosa venustula.
Notes: Syntypes (L. venustula) from Alabama (destroyed). This species ranges throughout the eastern and southwestern U.S. Records occur for the northern half of Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1978.
Schizocosa stridulans LR
Notes: This spider is found in mesic upland leaf litter in Tennessee, Kentucky Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Mississippi and Alabama. In Alabama, it is known from Lauderdale Co.
Ref.: Stratton 1991.
Schizocosa uetzi LR
Notes: This spider has been reported from Alabama.
Ref.: Stratton 1997.
Sosippus floridanus GL
Notes: This species is known from Florida, Georgia and Mississippi and almost certainly occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: Brady 1962.
Sosippus mimus GL
Notes: This species is known from Florida west to Louisiana.
Ref.: Brady 1962.
Trabeops aurantiacus GL
Notes: This species has a range which extends south to Florida and west to Texas.
Ref.: Kaston 1978, Roth 1993.
Trebacosa marxi LR
Synonym: Pirata marxi.
Notes: The range of this species was described by Dondale and Redner (1981) as extending from southern Canada south to Arkansas and Florida. Roth (1993) stated that its range extends south to Florida and Alabama.
Ref.: Dondale and Redner 1981, Roth 1993.
Trochosa acompa LR
Notes: This species has been recorded from Florida, Georgia and Mississippi and almost certainly occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: Brady 1980.
Trochosa apothetica LR
Notes: This species has been recorded from Florida, Georgia and Mississippi and almost certainly occurs in Alabama.
Ref.: Brady 1980.
Trochosa terricola LR
Notes: This species has been recorded from Alabama.
Ref.: Skinner 19974, Brady 1980.
Varacosa avara LR
Notes: Found under stones and along edges of woods, this species ranges throughout the eastern U.S. and southern Canada. Alabama records include Baldwin, Choctaw, DeKalb, Lee and Madison counties.
Ref.: Brady 1980.
Varacosa parthenus GL
Synonym: Lycosa parthenus, Trochosa parthenus.
Notes: This species is known from Georgia and Florida, including a record (Escambia Co., FL) very near the Alabama border. It is considered likely to occur in Alabama. Its habitat has been described as dry leaf mold under turkey oak.
Ref.: Brady 1980.
Varacosa shenandoa LR
Synonym: Trochosa shenandoa.
Notes: This species occurs in the U.S. along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and in the central states. It has been reported from Baldwin Co., Alabama.
Ref.: Brady 1980.
Ero furcata LR
Notes: Archer referred Alabama specimens to the subspecies E. f. leonina to distinguish them from European populations. It has been recorded from Jackson, Lee, and Madison counties, where it has been collected from leaf litter of hardwood ravines and from under rocks on slopes.
Ref.: Archer 1942.
Ero lodingi LR
Notes: This species was described from Mobile Co., Alabama based on specimens collected near a greenhouse.
Ref.: Archer 1942.
Ero pensacolae LR
Notes: This species is known from Florida and Alabama, including Lauderdale and Baldwin counties. It has been collected in hardwood ravines and hammocks.
Ref.: Archer 1942.
Mimetus notius LR
Notes: This species is found in Florida and Alabama, including Baldwin, Cherokee, Cleburne, Covington, Escambia, Geneva, Hale, Houston, Jefferson, Lee, Mobile, Montgomery and Tuscaloosa counties. It is found in swamps, lowland and upland forests and in buildings.
Ref.: Archer 1942.
Mimetus puritanus LR
Notes: This species is known from Baldwin, Dale, and Morgan counties in Alabama. It occurs in hardwood and hardwood-coniferous ravines, and pine flatwoods.
Ref.: Archer 1942.
Mimetus syllepsicus LR
Synonyms: Mimetus tuberosus, M. interfector.
Notes: The type of M. interfector is from Alabama. The species is known from Baldwin, Coosa, Houston, Jefferson, Monroe, and Tuscaloosa counties in Alabama, as well as from Georgia and North Carolina. It is found in hardwood and hardwood-coniferous ravines and lowland woods and occasionally in houses.
Ref.: Chamberlin 1923, Archer 1942.
Mimetus tillandsiae LR
Notes: This species is known from Florida and from Baldwin Co., Alabama. It has been collected from Spanish moss.
Ref.: Archer 1942.