
Peter Hastie is a Wayne T. Smith Distinguished Professor professor in the School of Kinesiology. He completed his undergraduate degree in Human Movement Studies at The University of Queensland before teaching health and physical education in secondary schools.

Dr. Hastie returned to UQ for his honours degree, and progressed to obtain his PhD in 1990. He has served as the section editor for pedagogy for the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (2002-2005), and is currently an Associate Editor of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy.

In 2013, Dr. Hastie was inducted with Fellow status into the National Academy of Kinesiology.

Undergraduate Classes Taught:

  • KINE 2800, Introduction to Health & Human Performance
  • KINE 3010, Instruction and technology
  • KINE 3200, Skills and concepts of rhythmic activities
  • KINE 3210, Skills and concepts of sport
  • KINE 4200, Teaching elementary physical education
  • KINE 4300, Teaching secondary physical education
  • KINE 4350, Teaching for lifetime physical activity
  • KINE 4970, Special topics in teaching physical education
Graduate Classes Taught:
  • KINE 7010, Research Methods in Physical Activity
  • KINE 7200, Curriculum and instruction in physical education
  • KINE 7300, Content and pedagogy in physical education
  • KINE 7350, Analysis of teaching in physical education
  • KINE 7380, Integration of classroom concepts in physical education
  • KINE 8970, Readings in physical education
  • KINE 8910, Field project

Click HERE for Peter Hastie's full vita

Last Updated: 25th July, 2014


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