Final Exam for ENGL 6240

For the final exam, choose one of the three options below. The exam should be word processed or typed. For Option 3, send me an Email message with the URL of the Web page. Turn in the completed exam by 10:30 a.m., December 13.

Option 1: Term Paper or Research Project

Option One requires that you write a term paper or complete a final project. The term paper or project report should be 8 to 12 double-spaced pages in length. A minimum of five secondary sources should be used in the paper/report. Some potential topics for the term paper/project are:

a. an in-depth analysis and evaluation of a teaching method covered in this course;
b. a detailed comparison of two teaching methods;
c. a description and analysis of an innovative teaching method not covered in this course;
d. a literature review of a topic that is related to what is covered in this course, such as individual differences in second language learning, the assessment of communicative competence, vocabulary control, the role of consciousness in language learning, method comparison studies;
e. a report on the observation and analysis of two different classes;
f. a report on an in-depth interview with one or more ESL students;
g. an in-depth description, analysis,and evaluation of one's own second language teaching approach.

Whatever topic you decide to work on, the paper should include a brief, selective review of the literature related to the topic, an in-depth discussion/analysis of the topic or research findings that is presented in clear and effective organization and language.

Option 2: Lesson Plan

This option requires you to write a detailed lesson plan for a 50-minute ESL class. In this plan, you should include the detailed descriptions of all the activities you are going to use, all the instructions for the activities, the amount of time to be spent on each activity, the interaction patterns of each activity, the texts and other instructional materials you are going to use. The lesson plan should be detailed enough so that we know exactly how you are going to conduct the lesson.

The lesson plan should follow the format in Figure 1 below. All the instructor's utterances should be included (in the first column). For example, instead of saying "T asking comprehension questions", it should be "T: What do you think the story is about?" The basic unit of description is activity. In the first column of your lesson plan, you should write first the name of the activity such as "Free Conversation", then the detailed description of the activity. The time in the last column should be the approximate time in minute to be spent on this activity.

Where necessary, use the following symbols for classroom interaction patterns:

T - Ss: Teacher talking to the whole class, such as in presenting a text, explaining grammar, giving instructions for an activity.
T - S: Questions and answers (dialogues) between the teacher and a student, such as in demonstration, checking comprehension.
T - S - S: Teacher initiated dialogues with more than one student, such as in role-playing demonstration and warm-up activities.
S - T: Student initiated conversation between a student and the teacher, such as in asking questions about a rule or an assignment.
S - Ss: One individual student talking to the whole class, such as in telling a story, reciting a poem.
Ss/Ss: Students working in small groups or in pairs, such as practicing conversation, role-playing.
S - S: Two students work in pairs such as practicing a dialogue, carrying out an information gap activity.
SS: Students doing their work individually such as reading, completing an exercise.

Refer to the third sample lesson plan for an example.

Choose one of the two lessons below to complete this exam:


Student Information

Main Objectives

Lesson 1 a. 45 eighth graders in a public school in China,
b. 3rd year of English learning,
c. Current vocabulary includes the first 600 words in the General Service List.
d. Familiar with active voice
a. Teach passive voice
b. Provide practice in listening and speaking
Lesson 2 a. 15 international students enrolled in ENGL 1800 at Auburn University,
b. All learned EFL for at least eight years in home countries, all with a TOEFL of 550 or high, but limited oral proficiency,
c. All enrolled in a graduate program.
a. Teach how to apologize in English
b. Provide training in speaking fluency

Figure 1: Lesson Plan Template

A. Background Information (refer to the above information; skip this part)

B. Main Objectives (refer to the above information; skip this part)

C. Procedures
Activity Objectives Aids and Materials  Time

1. Free conversation
T: Now let's review what we learned last time. Let me first ask you to make sentences with the new words we learned. First one, expensive.
T: Very good. The second word is quality.

review new words learned last time none 5' 

Option 3: ESL Web Page

Construct a Web page that contain at least twenty links to Web sites that provide useful resources for ESL teachers. Include only the sites that are truly useful and/or unique, such as At least five of these sites should be sites not found on my Web-based ESL page or on the Linguist list. The links should be organized into several categories, such as Listening Comprehension, Vocabulary.