What Is a Method?

A teaching method is a combination of

a. one's views about the nature of language and language proficiency and language learning which may take the forms of an explicit theory or implicit assumptions and beliefs;

b. a set of pedagogical principles that determine what, when, and how teaching materials and classroom activities should be used;

c. the actual activities the learner and teacher are engaged in while teaching and learning a language.


The distinction of approach, method, and technique

Anthony 1963 Richards and Rodgers 1986 I call them --
Approach - assumptions about the nature of language learning and teaching Approach - theories of the nature of language and language learning Theoretical foundations - theories, assumptions, and believes about what a language is, how a language is learned.
Method - overall plan for presentation of language materials Design - objectives, syllabus, activities, learner roles, teacher roles, roles of materials Pedagogical principles - the guidelines for selecting, organizing and implementing materials and activities.
Technique - what actually takes place in the classroom Procedure - classroom techniques, practices and behaviors Classroom activities - specific activities used in the classroom.