College of Liberal Arts Director of the Arts and Faculty Initiatives
College of Liberal Arts Engaged Scholar
Director, Languages Across the Curriculum
Director, Taormina, Italy Study Programs
315A Tichenor Hall, Auburn University
Tel: 334-844-2890
CV: mycv.pdf
Dr. Summerfield has taught Italian and French at AU since 2002. In 2007, she was awarded a PETL -Early Teaching Career Award, and in 2009 she received the Outstanding Scholarly Achievement in Women’s Studies Award and was named “College of Liberal Arts Engaged Scholar” for her civic engagement curricula.
She founded the Languages Across the Curriculum Program in 2004, Taormina, Italy Study Programs in 2005-2006 (in connection with the Taormina International Film Fest in 2008 and Libera Terra in 2010), and collaborations with the Italian Embassy in Washington DC and the Italian Consulate in Coral Gables, Florida. Dr. Summerfield is widely published and has participated in national and international conferences as well as performed as lecturer and poetry reader in various local and international venues.
Some of My Books
Credere aude (Gunter Narr)
Vendetta: Essays on Honor and
Revenge, (CSP) 2010
Research Topics
The long eighteenth-century (1660-1830) French and Italian literature (emphasis on Sicilian writers); religious and philosophical movements; European and Mediterranean history/civilization; material culture. Dr. Summerfield is also a published poet and short-story writer. Her favorite theme is Sicily, her motherland.