Professor Rotfeld's research publications
are noted (among other things) for his iconoclastic assessments of the
common "wisdom" about business practices and consumer persuasion that are
frequently -- but as he often finds, erroneously -- repeated without
question in many textbooks. He coined the term "misplaced
marketing" for his book Adventures
in Misplaced Marketing, as well as for essays
published in Marketing News, Journal of Consumer Marketing
and editorials in Journal of Consumer Affairs that discuss uses,
mistakes, criticisms and common misunderstandings of marketing activity.
Noted by the editor of a major marketing journal as "a leading essayist in
the field of marketing" for his numerous commentary in newspapers,
business magazines and academic journals, discussions of advertising
practices and business education, observations on consumer views of
marketing, and critical assessments of higher education and the nature of
academic research, have been reprinted or translated in the U.S. and other
countries, generating a degree of world-wide fame (or, maybe,
"infamy"). The decade-long three-term editor of Journal of Consumer
Affairs (2002-11) is an elected Fellow of the American Academy of
Advertising, plus an honored recipient of the Kim B. Rotzoll Award for
Advertising Ethics and Social Responsibility, the Ivan L. Preston
Outstanding Contribution to Research Award, and the Auburn University AAUP
chapter's Glenn Howze Academic Freedom Award.
۞ "The Marketing Myths and Consumers' Fear of Marketing," J of Consumer Marketing, 26 (#5, 2009): 309-10.
۞ "Function and Problems of Brand Name Pharmaceuticals," J of Product & Brand Management, 18 (#4, 2009): 240-1. reprinted in 18 (#6, 2009): 392-393
۞ "The Largest Segments That Should Not Be Served: Higher Education Marketing Serving the Growing Slacker Segment," J of Consumer Marketing, 25 (#6, 2008): 378-80.
۞ "Imitation as the Sincerest Form of Ignorance," J of Consumer Marketing, 25 (#4, 2008): 254-5.
۞ "Brand Image of Company Names Matters in Ways that Can't Be Ignored," J of Product & Brand Management, 17 (#2, 2008): 121-2.
۞ "Mistaking a Marketing Perspective for Ethical Analysis: When Consumers Can't Know That They Should Want," J of Consumer Marketing, 24 (#7, 2007): 383-4.
۞ "Mistaking Demographic Segments for People: Another Source of Customer Abuse," J of Consumer Marketing, 24 (#6, 2007): 332-3.
۞ "Is There a Strategy Behind Buying Advertising Time and Space," J of Consumer Marketing, 24 (#3, 2007): 131-2.
۞ "Movie Theaters' Suicide-by-Advertising with Income from Abusing Customers," J of Consumer Marketing, 23 (#7, 2006): 480-2.
۞ "Understanding Advertising Clutter and the Real Solution to Declining Audience Attention to Mass Media Commercial Messages," J of Consumer Marketing, 23 (#4, 2006): 180-1.
۞ "For the Drugs We Need," J of Consumer Marketing, 22 (#7, 2005): 365-8.
۞ "And a Comedian Shall Show Journalists the Way," J of Consumer Marketing, 22 (#3, 2005): 119-20.
۞ "The Cynical Use of Marketing to the Unwitting Consumer," J of Consumer Marketing, 22 (#2, 2005): 60-1.
۞ "A Snapshot or a Painting: Metaphors, Myths, Misuses and Misunderstandings of Marketing Research Information by Journalists and Other People Who Should Know Better," J of Consumer Marketing, 22 (#1, 2005): 4-5.
۞ "Do-not-call as the U.S. Government's Improvement to Telemarketing Efficiency," J of Consumer Marketing, 21 (#4, 2004): 242-4.
۞ "Endowed Faculty Chairs are a Waste of Money (Except Mine)," J of Consumer Marketing, 21 (#2, 2004): 94-6.
۞ "Mismanagement of Misfocused Trade Association Leaders," J of Consumer Marketing, 20 (#4, 2003): 291-3.
۞ "Gardening, Pizza, Tacos, Truck Parts and Fake Jewelry: Misuse and Misdirection of Sex in Advertising," J of Consumer Marketing, 20 (#3, 2003): 189-91.
۞ "Who Do You Hire When the Advertising Audience Isn't You?" J of Consumer Marketing, 20 (#2, 2003): 87-9.
۞ "'It Hurts. Fix It.' The Patients' Lament and Unhealthy Medical Care Marketing," J of Consumer Marketing, 20 (#1, 2003): 7-9.
۞ "The Social Harm of Public Service Advertising," J of Consumer Marketing, 19 (#6, 2002): 465-7.
۞ "'Mine is the Blue One on the Left': Function and Dysfunction of Pharmaceutical Brand Names," J of Consumer Marketing, 19 (#5, 2002): 377-9.
۞ "The Real Reason for the Real Bad Advertising," J of Consumer Marketing, 19 (#4, 2002): 299-301.
۞ "Training Book for the New Store Clerk: 'Go and Be Charming!'" J of Consumer Marketing, 19 (#3, 2002): 185-7.
۞ "Imagine the Television Commercial: 'No Stems, No Seeds That You Don't Need, Baja Gold's a Real Smooth Weed'," J of Consumer Marketing, 18 (#5, 2001): 389-91.
۞ "A Service Economy Whose Employees say: 'Customer Service Is Not My Job!'" J of Consumer Marketing, 18 (#2, 2001): 99-101.
۞ "Meanwhile, At the Service Desk: 'Hello! Is Anyone Here?'" J of Consumer Marketing, 17 (#7, 2000): 573-4.
۞ "'Dumbth' Adventures in Retailing," J of Consumer Marketing, 17 (#5, 2000): 384-5.
۞ "When Marketing Misplaces the Benefits of Education," J of Consumer Marketing, 16 (#5, 1999): 415-17.
۞ "Misplaced Marketing of Product 'Life' After the Sale," J of Consumer Marketing, 16 (#4, 1999): 312-13
۞ "Social Marketing and Myths of Appeals to Fear," J of Consumer Marketing, 16 (#2, 1999): 119-21.
۞ "Wham! Spam! And Direct Misplaced Marketing," J of Consumer Marketing, 16 (#1, 1999): 7-8.
۞ "Misplaced Marketing: When Consumers or Society Are Not Satisfied," J of Consumer Marketing, 15 (#6, 1998): 523.