
You can’t bring music early enough into a children’s life – it becomes part of the patterning. - Maurice Sendak, Children’s Video Report 1987, 2(4).

From western swing to electronica, the styles and options for musical enjoyment are endless. Although everyone has personal preferences, it's surprising how easy it is to get caught up in a popular tune. Remember the TV show "Name that Tune"? Get out the karaoke player and have some fun. Then, check out each of the following areas. Within each, a few CDs have been highlighted as examples of the style. Links have been made to because they provide great sample clips as well as good prices. There are many other websites that also provide sample clips for music preview.

Whether seeking information about musicians or clarifying understandings of a certain music genre, a good starting place for music information is online / electronic databases. For example, younger learners might use the arts and music section in Kids Search or Searchasaurus to find information about a musician or to clarify understanding of a type of music. Older students might access Grove Music Online to find and listen to music, examine musical scores, or learn the parts of a trumpet. In addition to online databases for music, there are many other technologies that can be used for listening to, acquiring, and creating / editing music audio.

dementoWhen choosing music, it’s sometimes helpful to learn more about a style. Read the contents of each of the following on-site links:

Some music is difficult to categorize. For example, where do you put Dr. Demento's Greatest Novelty Records of All Time?

questionIt's interesting to learn about all the different music styles. Go to Musical Genre from Wikipedia and learn about a particular style you know very little about. Or try Amazon's Free Music Download page and listen to some samples of different styles. Or, just have some fun with Dr. Demento's favorite novelty tunes.

Music Value

listeningSome librarians think of a music collection as an afterthought rather than an integral part of the library. They may say "if we have extra money at the end of the year, we'll buy some music." Or, they consider music a personal item like magazines or paperbacks that individuals buy, not libraries. Others don't want the hassle of deciding which music to buy or are concerned about explicit language. Many school librarians don't view music as part of the curriculum. They can be heard saying that "everything must align with the standards."

Why support a music collection in a school, academic, public, church, or any other kind of library? Music has been linked to wellness, happiness, and longevity. Music is one of the seven basic human intelligences, yet we often do little to encourage its potential. Music can be thought of as an application of math, science, history, social studies, foreign language, reading, and physical education -- all put together. When people talk about the need to make learning meaningful or develop interdisciplinary connections, music is an excellent example. Regardless of whether you're thinking about music for leisure or music for learning, there's research to support your program.

questionSkim the following articles and resources related to the value of music. Develop a music advocacy plan.

General Interest

Music Education

Music can open the mind to learning in other subject areas; it can help pave the way to becoming independent learners. It can engage students completely. In learning music they learn a ‘foreign’ language, and connect physical and thinking skills. In creating music, students can focus and express themselves; they communicate. Music has mathematical and scientific foundations. Music embodies multiple intelligences; it requires multiple skills. For a musician, music involves memory and connecting abstract thought to concrete actions. Music is an optimal learning experience, a “flow experience” that completely involves a person as described by psychologist, M. Csikszentmihalyi (2002. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi on Motivating People to Learn. Edtopia Magazine). Music can make you feel good. Music can be unique to every learner. Music is listening pleasure, and today’s technologies provide some excellent musical tools.

Music Selection

As you read the reviews and listen to previews, remember that the music collections libraries vary tremendously. However they should all be rooted in the mission of the center. Most libraries must balance the interests and requests of patrons with the need for a comprehensive collection that has breadth and depth. In other words, if you just listened to cries of teenagers, your collection would be full of Eminem and Britney Spears. On the other hand, you can't rely on your personal preferences either. The key is to know your community. This includes not only regular visitors, but potential patrons who may not normally come to the library. For example, you might increase music in your Latin section to appeal to diverse patrons.

singerTime-Life and Rhino Records are well-known for their collected works. For example, John Denver's albums are available in a collection of CDs. Also you've probably seen the TV commercials for the Best of Singers and Songwriters of different decades.

Additional Music Resources


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