Day 7

Recall from our first day of class the definition of a mineral. Now, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Can two different minerals have the same chemical compositions?
  2. Can two different minerals have identical structural arrangements?

The answer to both of these questions is yes - the combinations of chemistry and structure are unique for each mineral, but the individual chemistries, or structures, of different minerals may be similar. This leads us to consider the following special considerations of the crystalline character of minerals:

Isostructuralism: minerals with differing chemistry may have analogous structures. For example, halite (NaCl) and Galena (PbS) have analogous structures - in each, cations and anions are arranged in cubic lattices. Crystals in which the centers of the constituent atoms occupy geometrically similar positions, regardless of the size of the atoms and the absolute dimensions of the structure, are said to belong to the same structure type (K&H, p. 151).

Polymorphism: the ability of a specific composition of elements to crystallize into more than one type of structure. A constant chemical composition may crystallize into more than one structure because different structures may represent different levels of internal (structural) energy, and this energy may be a function of pressure, temperature, or both. For example, there are six polymorphs of SiO2, the most common of which is quartz. Although the composition of each is one silicon to every two oxygen, the structural arrangements among the SiO2 polymorphs differ.

Because differing structures can form from one compound, in response to differing conditions of temperature and pressure, mineral polymorphs are ideal indicators of pressure and temperature conditions in geologic processes. For example, the SiO2 polymorph coesite has a very dense and compact structure, which on Earth forms only at pressures reached at the base of the crust - or within the mantle. Therefore, if coesite is in a rock, a geologist can be certain the rock once experienced very high pressures. In addition to the SiO2 polymorphs, several other common groups of polymorphs are important indicators of pressure and temperature conditions (such as the aluminum silicates, the potassium feldspar polymorphs, and calcite-aragonite).

Why the difference? It is because polymorphism, and the structural transformations between polymorphs, occur through three, very different mechanisms:

Which, by chance, bring up yet another type of polymorphism:

Defects are very important in controlling variations in the physical properties of minerals, such as hardness, electrical conductivity, mechanical deformation properties, and color. Consider that one means of 'tempering' is to press a mass of hot steel into a sheet, fold it, press, fold, etc., and then finally quench it (picture the blacksmith beating on iron, then plunging it into a bucket of water). This process introduces defects at high temperature, and prevents them from annealling ('healing'). The process can be reversed - heating tempered steel for a time allows the metal structure to anneal. If you've ever put an axe or hammer head in a fire to remove a broken wood handle, then you probably lowered the hardness of that tool.

The types of defects discussed above may form during the growth of a mineral, or through later deformation. The processes of radioactive decay may also distrupt a mineral lattice and introduce defects, through metamictization. The energy and particle emissions accompanying radioactive decay, of uranium, for example, can break atomic bonds and disrupt structures sufficiently to alter the mineral's physical characteristics (color, hardness, cleavage, etc.). The degree of metamictization tends to increase with higher concentrations of radioactive isotopes, and with time.

Pseudomorphism occurs when one mineral has the outward appearance of another. This does not imply that the internal structure is the same (which be isostructuralism) - only that the outer shape and form is similar. Pseudomorphs also occur when a mineral of one crystal system grows in forms that look similar to those of other crystal systems. For example, aragonite is CaCO3 with a orthorhombic structure. A common habit, or general shape (see pg. 52), of aragonite is as six-sided crystals. In this way aragonite can occur as hexagonal pseudomorphs, and only the careful mineralogy sleuth who measures the angles among six-sided aragonite crystals would note they are not 120°, and thus cannot be truly hexagonal.

Pseudomorphs can also form through replacement of one mineral by another. If one mineral is replaced by another, through a chemical reaction, the new mineral may take the shape of the former one. A common example of this is the oxidation of pyrite, which may result in formation of limonite cubes that are pseudomorphs after the original pyrite.

Twinning refers to the formation of identical, or similar, objects.

From the biology of twinning: Monozygotic twins derive from the division of a single zygote(fertilized ovum) during the first developing stages of the embryo after fertilization, hence the term monozygotic. These separate cell masses become embryos which are genetically identical and will be the same sex. Monozygotic twins are contained within the same chorionic membrane and three-quarters of MZ twins share the same placenta. This also means they have the same blood type. Incomplete or late division of the zygote and subsequent cell masses can result in conjoined or Siamese twins. Monozygotic twins make up about a third of all twin births but their occurence has nothing to do with heredity, unlike dizygotic twinning. MZ twinning occurs randomly in all racial groups and follows no discernable hereditary pattern.

Mineralogical twins are analogous to monozygotic, Siamese twins. Mineral twinning occurs when two (or more) crystals of the same mineral are joined along symmetry elements that are not normally present in individual crystals of the mineral (see pg. 97-103 and 146-149 in text). The twinned crystals are, by definition, compositionally and structurally identical. Twinning occurs for many different minerals, and across many of the chemical and structural groups of minerals. Most mineral twins, at least those visable to the eye, form during crystal nucleation and growth. Mineral twinning during crystal growth may be random, but the particular symmetry operations that join mineral twins are constrained by the crystal structure.

The operations, or twin elements, which may relate a twinned crystal to it's counterpart are rotation (a twin axis), reflection (a twin plane), and inversion (a twin center). Twinning is defined by a twin law, which indicates whether there is a center, axis or plane of twinning, and also defines the crystallographic orientation of the twin element (usually with Miller Indices). Certain twin laws are more common in particular crystal systems, and they are also diagnostic features for many minerals.

There are two main types of twins:

Repeated, or multiple, twins are three or more twins repeated by the same twin law. If the twin law defines a plane, then polysynthetic twinning results (such as the twinning on (010), common in plagioclase and called 'albite law twinning'). If the twin law defines a rotation axis, then cyclic twinning results. Cyclic twinning of aragonite, which has an orthorhombic structure, can result in formation of crystals with a nearly perfect 6-fold rotation axis. The six-sideness of aragonite twins results from twinning on {110} faces, which are nearly 60 degrees apart.

Growth twinning results from the emplacement of atoms on the outside of a growing crystal in such a way that the regular arrangement of the lattice is interrupted. Growth twinning therefore reflects a misstep during crystal nucleation and/or growth, analogous to the formation of siamese twins. Transformation twinning occurs in pre-existing crystals and thus is a secondary form of twinning. Transformation twinning commonly results from structural changes during cooling, as in the formation of intersecting albite- and pericline-law twinning in sanidine (monoclinic) as it changes to microcline (triclinic). Glide twinning (deformation twinning) results in some minerals as they change shape in response to stresses of deformation; calcite crystals readily accomodate changes in shape during deformation by twinning.

Twinned minerals have their own following in the mineral collecting hobby - see other discussion and a list of minerals that commonly form specimen-quality twins in The Mineral Galeries twin page:

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