Jonathan (Jon) W. Armbruster, Ph.D. 1997, University of Illinois
Director Auburn University Museum of Natural History, Professor and Curator of Fishes
Research: systematics, evolutionary ecology, and morphology of loricariid catfishes, cavefishes and cyprinids.
Corinthia (Cori) Black, MS 2014, University of Northern Iowa
Ph.D. student
Research: Dissertaton topic TBD, shape evolution of flatfishes

Shobnom Ferdous, Ph.D., 2013, Auburn University
Malorie Hayes, M.S., 2013, Southeastern Louisiana University
Ph.D. student
Research: Systematics and taxonomy of North American darters and African barbs.
Courtney Weyand, M.S., 2017, Southeastern Louisiana University
Ph.D. Student
Research: Dissertation topic TBD, Ecology and evolution of fishes, particularly the minnow Clinostomus
Former Students: Complete theses and dissertations
Carrie Allison, MS (nonthesis), August 2001-August 2003, a guide to the loricariids of the Rupununi District, Guyana.
Ricardo Betancur, Ph.D., August 2004 – May 2009. Systematics and evolutionary history of sea catfishes (Siluriformes: Ariidae).
Edward Buress, Ph.D. August 2012-August 2017. Patterns and rate of ecological diversification among Neotropical cichlid fishes
Justin D. Evans, MS, June 1999 - May 2002. Taxonomic and phylogenetic assessment of the Hemiacistrus annectens group by morphometric and molecular methods (Teleostei: Loricariidae)
Shobnom Ferdous, Ph.D., August 2004 – December 2014. Geometric Morphometrics and Phylogeny of the Catfish genus Mystus Scopoli (Siluriformes:Bagridae) and North American Cyprinids (Cypriniformes).
Pamela Hart, MS, May 2013-August 2016. Diversity and Conservation of the Southern Cavefish, Typhlichthys subterraneus.
Nathan Lujan, Ph.D., August 2002 – May 2009. Jaw morpho-functional diversity, trophic ecology, and historical biogeography of the neotropical suckermouth armored catfishes (Siluriformes: Loricariidae).
Marcelo Melo, Ph.D., August 2004 – August 2009. Taxonomic and phylogenetic revision of the family Chiasmodontidae (Perciformes:Acanthomorpha).
Thomas Paul Pera, MS, August 2000 - December 2004. Taxonomic assessment of the silverjaw minnow, Notropis buccatus Cope (Cyprinidae).
Keith Ray, MS., August 2006 – December 2010. Redescription and morphometric analysis of Isorineloricaria (Siluriformes: Loricariidae).
Lesley de Souza, Ph.D., August 2003 – December 2011. Hydrological link between the Amazon River Basin and the eastern Guiana Shield on the Neotropical ichthyofauna.
Carla C. Stout, Ph.D. August 2010-May 2017. Minnows and molecules: resolving the broad and fine-scale evolutionary patterns of Cypriniformes.
Milton Tan, Ph.D., August 2009-August 2016. Evolution of Miniaturization and Paedomorphism in Fishes of the Order Cypriniformes.
David C. Werneke, MS, August 2000 - May 2005. Variation within the genus Labidesthes Cope (Atheriniformes: Atherinopsidae) and its influence on the validity of the fiery-finned silverside (Labidesthes vanhyingi Bean and Reid.
Paul Wieczorek, MS, August 2012-December 2015. Ecomorphological analysis of cyprinids in the Mobile Bay Basin