Auburn University



Outlier Detection Methods and Robust Statistical Data Analysis for Multivariate and Functional Data




Selected Publications for Multivariate Data 


  • Yuan, Y. , Billor, N. and Turkmen, A.S. (2018) "Benford's Law Based Outliers Detection for Population Stratification in Genotype Data",Proceedings, JSM 2018 - Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics, 2365 - 2376.
  • Lilly, K. and Billor, N. (2018) "Robust Group LASSO Methods", Proceedings, JSM 2018- Section on Statistical Computing, 117-143.
  • Magnotti, J. and Billor, N. (2014), "Finding multivariate outliers in fMRI time-series data," Computers and Biology in Medicine, 53, 115-124.
  • Bell, R. C., Jones-Farmer, L. A. and Billor, N. (2013), "A Distribution-Free Control Chart for Retrospective Location Analysis of Subgrouped Multivariate Data," Technometrics, DOI:10.1080/00401706.2013.879264.
  • Turkmen, A. and Billor, N. (2012), "Partial Least Squares Classification for   High Dimensional Data Using the PCOUT Algorithm," Computational Statistics, 28, 2, Page 77-788. 
  • Billor, N. , Abebe, A., Turkmen, A. and Nudurapati, S. (2008), "Classification based on Data Depth," Journal of Classification, 25, 249 - 260.
  • Caroni, C. and Billor, N., (2007), "Robust Detection of Multiple Outliers in Grouped Multivariate Data," Journal of Applied Statistics, 34, 19, 1241 - 1250. 
  • Billor, N., Hadi, A. S., and Velleman, P. F. (2000), "BACON: Blocked Adaptive Computationally-Ecient Outlier Nominators," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 34, 279 - 298. 


    Functional Data Analysis: Outlier detection and Robust Estimation



    Selected Publications for Functional Data 


  • Sawant, P., Billor, N., and Shin, H. (2012), "Robust Functional Principal Component Analysis," Computational Statistics, 27, 1, 83 - 102.
  • Lee, S., Shin, H., and Billor, N. (2013), "M-type Smoothing Spline Estimation for Principal Functions," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 66, 89- 100.
  • Denhere, M. and Billor, N. (2013), "Robust Principal Component Functional Logistic Regression," Communications in Statistics: Simulations and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2013.861628.
  • Pannu, J. and Billor, N. (2015) "Robust Group-Lasso for Functional Regression Model," Communications in Statistics: Simulations and Computation, DOI:10.1080/03610918.2015.1096375.
  • Lima, I. R., Cao, G. and Billor, N. (2019) "M-Based Simultaneous Inference for the Mean Function of Functional Data," Annalsf the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 
  • Lima, I. R., Cao, G. and Billor, N. (2018) "Robust Simultaneous Inference for the Functional Mean in Functional Data," TEST, 10.1007/s11749-018-0598-y. 