Birdsong, M.H., W.C. Morse, T.D. Steury, and M. Smith. 2021. Socialization and motivational pathways among different groups of non-traditional hunters in Alabama reveal unique recruitment and retention opportunities. Human Dimensions
of Wildlife. Link
Leeper, H., and T.D. Steury. 2021. Spatial barriers to black bear
dispersal and population connectivity in Alabama. Journal of the Southeastern
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 8:101-107. Link
Fleck, M.S., M. Dinan, L.J. Simmons, T.D. Steury, and C.A. Lepczyk. 2021.
Investigating the relationship between socidemographic factors and bird
identification by landowners across rural-to-urban gradients. Environmental
Management 68:65-72.
Ivy-Israel, N.M.D., C.E. Moore, C.H. Newbolt, T.S. Schwartz, T.D. Steury, S.M.
Zohdy, and S.S. Ditchoff. 2021. Association between sexually
selected traits and allelic diversity in two unlinked MHC II loci in
white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus).
Evolutionary Ecology 35:513-535.
Bodenstein, S.S., W.C. Walton, and T.D. Steury. 2021. The
effect of farming practices on growth and mortality in triploid and diploid
eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Aquaculture Environmental
Wilson, S.B., T.D. Steury, and R.A. Gitzen. 2020. Winter and fall diet of
eastern gray squirrels in a seasonally-flooded ecosystem in Alabama.
Southeastern Naturalist 19:771-780.
Pruente, V.L., J.L. Jones, T.D. Steury, and W.C. Walton. 2020. Effects of
tumbling, refrigeration and subsequent resubmersion on the abundance of
Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in oysters (Crassostrea
virginica). International Journal of Food Microbiology.
Anderson, C., T.D. Steury, R. Nipko, and M.J. Kelly. 2019. Variation in jaguar
occupancy in response to differential land use practices by human communities.
Auburn University Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 8:36-37.
Wilson, S.B., S.S. Ditchkoff, R.A. Gitzen, and T.D. Steury. 2019. Eastern
gray squirrel survival in a hunted bottomland forest ecosystem. Journal of the
Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 6:161-165.
Wada, H. B.P. Kriengwatana, T.D. Steury, S.A. MacDougall-Shackleton. 2018.
Incubation temperature influences sex ratio and offspring's body composition in
zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Canadian Journal of Zoology.
Wilson, A.E., J.L. Pollock, I. Billick, C. Domingo, E.G. Fernandez-Figueroa,
E.S. Nagy, T.D. Steury, A. Summers. 2018. Assessing science training programs:
structured undergraduate research programs make a difference. Bioscience
Draper, J.P., L.P. Waits, J.R. Adams, C.L. Seals, and T.D. Steury. 2017. Genetic
health and population monitoring of two small black bear (Ursus americanus)
populations in Alabama, with a regional perspective of genetic diversity and
exchange. PLOS ONE 12(11):e0186701.
Thornhill, D.J., E.J. Howells, D.C. Wham, T.D. Steury, and S.R. Santos.
Population genetics of reef coral endosymbionts (Symbiodinium ,Dinophyceae).
Molecular Ecology (Invited Review) 26:2640-2659.
Silvano, A.L. , C. Guyer, T.D. Steury, and J.B. Grand. 2017. Selecting focal
species as surrogates for imperiled species using relative sensitivities derived
from occupancy analysis. Ecological Indicators 73:302-311.
Newbolt, C.H., P.K. Acker, T.J Neuman, S.I. Hoffman, S.S. Ditchkoff, and T.D.
Steury. 2017. Factors influencing reproductive success in male white-tailed
deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:206-217.
Neuman, T.J., C.H. Newbolt, S.S. Ditchkoff, and T.D. Steury. 2016.
Microsatellites reveal plasticity in reproductive success of white-tailed deer.
Journal of Mammalogy 97:1441-1450.
Cortes, F.E., and T.D. Steury. 2016. Factors that influence the risk of
carnivore road mortality in central Alabama. Journal of the Southeast
Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:190-194.
Garland, L., C. Ellis, and T.D. Steury. 2016. Food habits of black bears in
suburban versus rural Alabama. Journal of the Southeast Association of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies 3:185-189.
Gese, E.M., F.F. Knowlton, J.R. Adams, K. Beck, T.K. Fuller, D.L. Murray, T.D.
Steury, M.K. Stockopf, W.T. Waddell, and L.P. Waits. 2015 Managing hybridization
of a recovering endangered species: the red wolf (Canis rufus) as a
case study. Current Zoology 61:191-203.
Karns, G.R., A.M. Holland, T.D. Steury, and S.S. Ditchkoff. 2014. Maternal life
history of white-tailed deer: factors affecting fetal sex allocation, conception
of timing, and senescence. Evolutionary Ecology Research 16:165-178.
Angle, C.T., J.J. Wakshlag, R.L. Gillette, T.D. Steury, P. Haney, J. Barrett,
and T. Fischer. 2014. The effects of exercise and diet on olfactory capability in
detection dogs. Journal of Nutritional Science. 3(e44):1-5.
Morse, W.C., D.R. Lowery, and T.D. Steury. Exploring saturation of qualitative
themes and spatial locations in a qualitative PPGIS study design. Society and
Natural Resources 27:557-571.
Caraway, K., R. Wilborn, A Johnson, J. Barrett, and T. Steury. 2013. Precision of the Neubauer Hemocytometer in quantifying concentration of canine spermatozoa within
and between operators of differing experience levels. Auburn University Journal
of Undergraduate Research 2:21-25.
Dellinger, J.A., C. Proctor, M.J. Kelly, M.R. Vaughan, and T.D. Steury. 2013. Habitat
use of a large carnivore, the red wolf, in a human-altered landscape. Biological
Conservation 157:324-330.
Sparkman, A.M., J.R. Adams, T.D. Steury, L.P. Waits, and D.L. Murray. 2012. Pack
social dynamics and inbreeding avoidance in the cooperatively breeding red wolf.
Behavioral Ecology 23:1186-1194.
Lowery, D.R., W.C. Morse, and T.D. Steury. 2012. Biological and social investigation
of human-black bear conflicts in the panhandle of Florida. Human Dimensions of
Wildlife 17:193-206.
Sparkman, A.M. J. Adams, T.D. Steury, L. Waits, and D.L. Murray. 2012. Evidence for a
genetic basis for delayed dispersal in a cooperatively breeding canid. Animal
Behaviour 83:1091-1098.
Dellinger, J.A., B.L. Ortman, T.D. Steury, J. Bohling, and L.P. Waits. 2012.
Food habits of red wolves during pup-rearing season. Southeastern Naturalist
10:731-740. Link
McCoy, J.C., S.S. Ditchkoff, and T.D. Steury. 2011. Bias associated with baited
camera sites for assessing population characteristics of deer. Journal of
Wildlife Management. 75:472-477.
Sparkman, A.M., J. Adams, A. Beyer, T.D. Steury, L. Waits, and D.L. Murray.
2011. Helper effects on pup lifetime fitness in the cooperatively breeding red
wolf (Canis rufus). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B
Sparkman, A.M., J.R. Adams, T.D. Steury, L.P. Waits, and D.L. Murray. 2011.
Direct fitness benefits of delayed dispersal in the cooperatively breeding red
wolf (Canis rufus). Behavioral Ecology 22:199-205.
Steury, T.D.,
J.E. McCarthy, T.C. Roth, II, S.L. Lima, and D.L. Murray. 2010. Evaluation of a
root-n bandwidth selector for kernel home range estimation. Journal of Wildlife
Management 74(3):539-548.
Murray, D.L., M.G. Anderson, and
T.D. Steury. 2010. Temporal shifts in density dependence
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Boulerice, J., M.D.
Smith, and S.S. Ditchkoff. 2009. Alabama cougars: sorting fact from fiction.
Alabama Cooperative Extension System publication #ANR-1358, Auburn, AL.
Murray, D.L., T.D. Steury,
and J.D. Roth. 2008. Assessment of Canada lynx research and conservation
needs in the southern range: another kick at the
cat. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1463-1472.
Roth, J.D., D.L. Murray, and T.D. Steury. 2008. Spatial dynamics of
sympatric canids: modeling the impact of coyotes on red wolf recovery.
Ecological Modelling 214:391-403.
Roth, J.D., J.D. Marshall, D.L. Murray, D.M.
Nickerson, and T.D. Steury. 2007. Geographical gradients in diet
affect population dynamics of Canada lynx. Ecology 88:2736-2743.
Steury, T.D., and D.L. Murray. 2005.
Regression vs. ANOVA. Frontiers in Ecology
and Evolution 3:356-357. PDF
Lima, S.L., and T.D. Steury.
2005. Perception of predation risk: the foundation of non-lethal predator-prey
interactions. In P. Barbosa and I. Castellanos, editors. Ecology of
Predator-prey Interactions. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Angilletta, Jr., M.J., T.D. Steury, and M.W. Sears. Temperature,
growth rate, and body size in ectotherms: fitting pieces of a life-history
puzzle. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 44:498-509.
Steury, T.D.,
and D.L. Murray. 2004. Modeling the reintroduction of lynx to the southern
portion of its range. Biological Conservation 117:127-141.
Steury, T.D.,
and D.L. Murray. 2003. Causes and Consequences of individual variation in
territory size in red squirrel. Oikos 101:147-156.
Steury, T.D.,
A.J. Wirsing, and D.L. Murray. 2002. Using multiple treatment levels as a
means of improving
inference in wildlife research. Journal of Wildlife
Management 66:292-299.
Wirsing, A.J., T.D. Steury, and
D.L. Murray. 2002. A demographic analysis of a southern snowshoe hare
population in a fragmented habitat: evaluating the refugium model. Canadian
Journal of Zoology 80:169-177.
Wirsing, A.J., T.D. Steury,
and D.L. Murray. 2002. The relationship between body condition and
vulnerability to predation in two small mammals. Journal of Mammalogy
Murray, D.L., J.D. Roth, E. Ellsworth,
A.J. Wirsing, and T.D. Steury. 2002. Estimating low-density
snowshoe hare populations using fecal pellet counts. Canadian Journal of
Zoology 80:771-781.
Wirsing, A.J., T.D. Steury,
and D.L. Murray. 2002. Non-invasive estimation of body composition in small
mammals: A comparison of conductive and morphometric techniques. Physiological
and Biochemical Zoology 75:489-497.
Cooper's hawk with a freshly killed pigeon (©
Tim Roth)
Juvenile red squirrel
Canadian lynx
Checkerboard of clear-cuts in Idaho
Elk in river during fire in Montana (no I did not take
this picture)
Packer Meadows on the Idaho/Montana Border
View from Diabolo Lookout, Idaho