Existence of Tchebycheff extensions, J. Mathematical Analysis and
Applications 51 (1975), 68--75.
Smoothness properties of generalized convex functions, Proceedings of
the American Mathematical Society 56 (1976), 118--120.
Extension of periodic Tchebycheff systems, J. Mathematical Analysis and
Applications 56 (1976), 373--378.
On transforming a Tchebycheff system into a complete Tchebycheff
system, J. Approximation Theory 20 (1977), 220--222.
A characterization of Tchebycheff systems, J. Approximation Theory 22
(1978), 356--359.
Functions of bounded variation with respect to a Tchebycheff system,
J. Approximation Theory 23 (1978), 318--323.
On Approximation by shifts and a theorem of Wiener, Transactions of the
American Mathematical Society, 243 (1978), 299--308.
Approximation by nonfundamental sequences of translates, Proceedings of
the American Mathematical Society, 78 (1980), 261--266.
On fundamental sequences of translates, Proceedings of the American
Mathematical Society 79 (1980), 255--259.
Weighted Polynomial Approximation on Unbounded Intervals, J.
Approximation Theory 28 (1980), 113--119.
The fundamentality of sequences of translates, in E. W. Cheney
(editor), Approximation Theory III, Academic Press, New York (1980), 927--932.
The Müntz--Szász theorem and the closure of translates, J.
Mathematical Analysis and Applications 82 (1981), 361--369.
Inequalities for weighted polynomials, J. Approximation Theory 37
(1983), 137--146.
Some properties of sequences of weighted exponentials, in Chui,
Schumaker and Ward (editors), Approximation Theory IV, Academic Press, New
York (1983), 729--732.
Remarks on a paper of Gel'fand and Šilov on Fourier Transforms, J.
Mathematical Analysis and Applications 102 (1984), 102--112.
Some weighted polynomial inequalities, J. Approximation Theory 41
(1984), 39--50.
Embedding of weak Markov systems, J. Approximation Theory 41 (1984),
Nonlinear Rotordynamics Analysis. Contract NAS8--36475 NASA Marshall
Space Flight Center, 1986 (with William B. Day) (reviewed in NASA Tech
Briefs 12 No. 7 (1988), 75.)
Some theorems concerning holomorphic Fourier transforms (with T.
Abuabara Saad), J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 126 (1987),
Embedding a function into a Haar space, J. Approximation Theory 55
(1988), 61--64.
Rotordynamic Analysis of a Bearing Tester, in Research Reports--1988
NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, NASA CR--183553.
On the nonlinear Jeffcott equations, in IMACS Transactions on
Scientific Computing, 12th. IMACS World Congress, Paris 1988, Vol. 1 (W.
F. Ames et al., eds.,), 39--42. J. C. Baltzer, Basel, 1989.
On extending the domain of definition of Čebyšev and weak
systems (with D. Zwick), J. Approximation Theory 57 (1989), 202--210.
Integral representation and embedding of weak Markov system, J.
Approximation Theory 58 (1989), 1--11.
A basis of weighted exponentials, J. Mathematical Analysis
and Applications 141 (1989), 291--301.
The Jeffcott equations in nonlinear rotordynamics,
Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 47 (1989), 585--599.
Determination of stability margins for a simple Jeffcott model, in
Proceedings of the International Congress on Recent Developments
in Air and Structure Borne Sound and Vibration (M. Crocker, ed.), 881--886,
Auburn University, 1990.
Extensions of endpoint equivalent and periodic Tchebycheff systems (with
T. A. Kilgore), J. Approximation Theory 61 (1990), 360--370.
A short proof that every weak Tchebycheff system may be transformed into a
weak Markov system, J. Approximation Theory 64 (1991), 119--121.
Integral representation of Markov systems and the existence of
adjoined functions for Haar spaces, J. Approximation Theory 65 (1991), 22--31.
Some properties of Markov systems (with D. Zwick), J.
Approximation Theory 65 (1991), 32--45.
Nondegeneracy and integral representation of weak Markov systems,
J. Approximation Theory 68 (1992), 25--32.
Nonexistence of a Riesz Basis of Translates (with T. E. Olson),
in Approximation Theory (G. A. Anastassiou, Ed.), 401--408, Marcel Dekker,
New York, 1992.
The quasi--elastic method of solution for a class of integrodifferential
equations (with A. M. Vinogradov), J. Integral Equations and Applications 5
(1993), 277--295.
Quasiconformality and quasiregularity of Wachspress type rational
complex planar splines of degree (3,1) (with H. P. Dikshit and A. Ojha),
Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 (1994), 235--250.
Rational complex planar splines (with H. P. Dikshit and A. Ojha), in
Proceedings of the Conference on Advances in Computational Mathematics: New
Delhi, India (H. P. Dikshit and C. A. Micchelli, Eds.), 235--242, World
Scientific, Singapore, 1994.
On the stability of frames and Riesz bases (with S. J. Favier), Appl.
Comput. Harm. Analysis 2 (1995), 160--173.
Postcript file  
Pdf file
Some remarks on spectral approximation, Computers Math. Applic. 30
(1995), 235--241.
Čebyšev and Weak Čebyšev systems, in Total
Positivity and its Applications (M. Gasca and C. A. Micchelli, Eds.), 301--332,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996.
Tribute to Oved Shisha (with D. S. Lubinsky), J. Approximation Theory
86 (1996), 1--12.
Frames and Riesz Bases: A Short Survey (with S. J. Favier),
in Wavelet Theory and Harmonic Analysis in Applied Sciences (E. M.
Fernández-Berdaguer and C. E. D'Atellis, Eds.), 93--114,
Birkhäuser, Boston, 1997.
Perturbations of the Haar Wavelet (with N. K. Govil),
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 125 (1997), 3363--3370.
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Frames and Riesz bases (with S. J. Favier), in Fourier Analysis,
Approximation Theory and Applications (Z. U. Ahmad, N. K. Govil and
P. K. Jain, Eds.), 59--76, New Age International, New Delhi, 1997.
A Class of Quasi--orthogonal Wavelet Bases, in Wavelets,
Multiwavelets and their Applications (A. Aldroubi and E. B. Lin, Eds.),
81--94, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 216, American Mathematical Society,
Providence, RI, 1998.
Strictly totally positive systems (with J. M. Carnicer and
J. M. Peña), J. Approximation Theory 92 (1998), 411--441.
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Interpolation, the Budan-Fourier theorem, and Descartes' rule of signs
for Markov systems, in Approximation Theory: In Memory of
A.K. Varma, (N.K. Govil, R.N. Mohapatra, Z. Nashed, A. Sharma and J.
Szábados, Eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1998, pp. 499--511.
Density and Approximation Properties of Markov Systems (with A. L.
González), J. Computational Analysis and Applications 2 (2000), 49--87.
Postcript file  
Pdf file
On affine Riesz wavelets, in Algorithms
for Approximations IV, Proceedings of the International Symposium
held in 2001. (J. Levesley, I. J. Anderson and J. C. Mason, Eds.).
University of Huddersfield, UK, (2002), pp. 362--369
(with A. L. González).
Riesz bases, multiresolution analyses, and perturbation
(with A. L. González) in Wavelets, Frames, and Operator Theory
(D. Larson, P. E. T. Jorgensen and C. Heil, Eds.), 163--182.
Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 345, American Mathematical Society,
Providence, RI, 2004.
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Density and Approximation Properties of weak Markov Systems (with A. L.
González), J. Computational Analysis and Applications 6 (2004), 5-18.
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Pdf file
Representation of Orthonormal Multivariate Wavelets, in
``Splines and Wavelets: Athens 2005" (G. Chen and M--J. Lai, Eds.),
pp. 507--515, Nashboro Press, Brentwood, TN 2005.
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Bases of translates and multiresolution analyses,
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 24 (2008), 41-57.
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Corrigendum, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 29 (2010), 121.
Pdf file
Orthonormal wavelet systems and multiresolution analyses,
J. Appl. Functional Analysis 5 (2010), 31-41.
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Some properties of Chebyshev systems, J. Computational Analysis and Applications 13 (2011), 20-26.
Pdf file
Matrix-valued wavelets and multiresolution analysis (with A. San Antolín), J.
Applied Functional Analysis 7 (2012), 13--25.
Pdf file
The method of Laplace and Watson's lemma, J. Concrete and Applicable Math. 10 (2012), 11--16.
Pdf file
Some smooth compactly supported tight framelets (with A. San Antolín), Communications in Mathematics and Applications 3 (2012), 345-353.
Pdf file
A family of nonseparable smooth compactly supported wavelets (with A. San Antolín),
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 11, No.2 (2013).\\ DOI: 10.1142/S0219691313500148.
Pdf file
A family of nonseparable scaling functions and compactly supported tight framelets (with A. San Antolín), J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 404 (2013),
201-211. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2013.02.040. Pdf file
Some bivariate smooth compactly supported framelets with three generators (with A. San Antolín), Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol 2013, Article ID 818907,
7 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/818907.
Pdf file
Some smooth compactly supported tight wavelet frames with vanishing moments
(with A. San Antolín), J. Fourier Analysis and Applications (2016) vol. 22, 887--909. Pdf file . Corrigendum Pdf file .
Some smooth compactly supported tight framelets associated to the quincux matrix
(with A. San Antolín), J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 437(1) (2016), 35--50. Pdf file
On Orthonormal Wavelet Bases, J. Computational Analysis and Applications 27 (2019), 790--797. Pdf file
On multiresolution analyses of multiplicity $n$, to appear in J. Computational Analysis and Applications. Pdf file
Two families of compactly supported Parseval framelets in $L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)$ (with A. San Antolín), submitted. Pdf file
Eigenvalues of Uncorrelated, Density-Difference Matrices and the Interpretation of Δ-Self-Consistent-Field Calculations (with J.V. Ortiz), J. Chemical Physics 153, 114122 (2020); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0019542. Pdf file
Richard A. Zalik
221 Parker Hall
Department of Mathematics and Statistics Auburn University,
Alabama 36849-5310