
The MPRL is supported by research grants from federal and internal (AU) organizations agencies.

Funding portfolio for PSL (as of June, 2018):

National Science Foundation (NSF) $6,581,000
Department of Energy (DOE) $4,386,000
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) $653,000
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) $510,000
Other Federal Agencies (NRL, etc.) $22,000
Subcontracts $174,000
Total Support (1998 - present): $12,326,000

Current Active Research Grants:

DOE - The Magnetized Plasma Research Laboratory as a DOE Plasma Science Facility (DE-SC0019176)
PIs:  E. Thomas, Jr., U. Konopka (9/1/18 - 8/31/21)

DOE  - Collaborative Research:  Advancing the Physics of Magnetized Dusty Plasmas (DE - SC0016330)
PIs:  E. Thomas, Jr., U. Konopka (8/15/16 - 8/14/19)
Funding:  $850,000

NSF  - Collaborative Research:  Advancing the Physics of Magnetized Dusty Plasmas (PHY-1613087)
PIs:  E. Thomas, Jr., U. Konopka (8/15/16 - 7/31/19)
Funding:  $15,000

NSF - EPSCOR: RII Track-1: CPU2AL: Connecting the NSF Plasma Universe to Plasma Technology in AL: the Science and Technology of Low-Temperature Plasma (OIA-1655280)   
PIs:  G. Zank (UAH); E. Thomas (AU); R. Branam (UA), Y. Vohra (UAB), V. Rangari (Tuskegee) (9/1/17 - 8/31/22)
Funding:  $20,000,000  [Auburn University portion:  ~$3.6 million]

NASA/JPL:  Complex Plasma under Microgravity, Utilizing  the International Space Station Experiment “PK-4” and Beyond (JPL-RSA 1571699)
PIs:  U. Konopka, E. Thomas, Jr., J. Williams (6/1/17 - 5/31/21)

NSF:  Complex Plasma under Microgravity, Utilizing  the International Space Station Experiment “PK-4” and Beyond (PHY-1655280)
PIs:  U. Konopka, E. Thomas, Jr.,(6/1/17 - 5/31/21)

Past Research Funding for the AUPSL

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