Seminars on Analysis and Stochastic Analysis (SASA)

Schedule for Spring 2025

Speaker University Title Room Date (Wednesday) Time Local Host
      Parker 328 Jan. 22 12:00pm--12:50pm  
      Jan. 29  
      Feb. 5  
      Feb. 12  

Past Talks for Analysis and Stochastic Analysis Seminar (SASA)

Speaker University Title Room Date (Wednesday) Time Local Host Year
Rene Cabrera University of Texas, Austin Smoothing estimates of the Landau-Coulomb diffusion Parker 328 Nov. 20 11:00am--11:50am Yuming Paul Zhang 2024 Fall
Hongjiang Qian Auburn University Moderate Deviation principles for stochastic differential equations in fast-varying Markovian environment Nov. 13 Le Chen
Jian Tan Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, CN From Variable Lebesgue Spaces to Ball Banach Function Spaces Nov. 6 Yuming Paul Zhang
Xiaowen Zhu University of Washington Bulk-edge correspondence of topological insulators with curved interfaces Oct. 30 Yimin Zhong
Wenpin Tang Columbia University Diffusion models and fine tuning/guidance Oct. 2 Yuming Paul Zhang
Robert Smits University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa Tug-of-War and p-Harmonic Measure Sept. 25 Erkan Nane
Alpar Meszaros Durham University, UK From N-player differential games to the master equation in mean field games Sept. 11 Yuming Paul Zhang
Yumin Paul Zhang Auburn University Well-posedness and spreading properties of chemotaxis models on Rn Sept. 4 Le Chen
Le Chen On the radius of self-repellent fractional Brownian motion Aug. 28 Yuming Paul Zhang
Panqiu Xia Moment properties for sublinear stochastic partial differential equations and applications Parker 326 Jan. 17 Le Chen 2024 Spring
Bingyang Hu On the curved trilinear Hilbert transform Parker 328 Jan. 24 Paul Zhang
Selim Sukhtaiev The Maslov index in spectral theory: an overview Feb. 07
Lukas Wessels Georgia Tech Stochastic optimal control in infinite dimensions: verification and optimal synthesis Feb. 21
Alexander Dunlap Duke University Branching Brownian motion, voting models, and nonlocal PDEs Feb. 28 Le Chen
Le Chen Auburn University Surface growth models with random Tetris pieces Mar. 13 Paul Zhang
Yuming (Paul) Zhang Stochastic homogenization for reaction diffusion equations Mar. 20 Le Chen
Son Tu Michigan State University Properties of the effective Hamiltonian and homogenization of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation Zoom Mar. 27 Bingyang Hu
Siming He University of South Carolina Application of the enhanced dissipation phenomenon Parker 328 Apr. 03 Yimin Zhong
Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre Syracuse University Feynman-Kac formulas for Schrödinger operators with Matrix-white-noise Apr. 10 Le Chen
Zhongwei Shen University of Alberta, CA Stochastic stability of invariant measures Zoom Apr. 17 Wenxian Shen
Juan Jimenez University of Ottawa, CA Uniqueness of solutions for the stochastic wave equation driven by heavy-tailed Lévy noises Parker 328 Apr. 24 Le Chen
Graham Cox Memorial University of Newfoundland, CA Homology of spectral minimal partitions Parker 328 May 16 (Thur.) 13:00pm--13:50pm Selim Sukhtaiev
Cheuk-Yin Lee Chinese University of Hong Kong Local times of Gaussian random fields and SPDEs Parker 326 Aug. 23 11:00am--11:50am Le Chen 2023 Fall
Boya Liu North Carolina State University Recovery of time-dependent coefficients in hyperbolic equations on conformally transversally anisotropic manifolds from partial data Sep. 20 Yimin Zhong
Yuri Latushkin University of Missouri The Maslov index and the spectrum of differential operators Oct. 04 Selim Sukhtaiev
Simon Bortz University of Alabama A free boundary problem for caloric measure Oct. 11
Li Chen Louisiana State University Fractional Gaussian fileds and Parabolic Anderson Models on the Sierpinski gasket Oct. 18 Erkan Nane
Hyunchul Park State University of New York at New Paltz Small-time behavior of the spectral heat content for isotropic Levy processes Oct. 25 Erkan Nane/Le Chen
Yupei Huang Duke University On the steady states of 2D incompressible Euler Equations near the Bahouri-Chemin Patch Nov. 01 Yuming Paul Zhang
Le Chen Auburn University Disorerly surface growth (Joint Graduate Student Seminar) ACLC 108 15:00pm--15:50pm Yanzhao Cao
Hengrong Du Vanderbilt University On Convergence of Approximate Schrödinger Bridge Parker 326 Nov. 08 11:00am--11:50am Bingyang Hu
Chuntian Wang University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa On the impact of spatially heterogeneous human behavioral factors on 2D dynamics of infectious diseases Parker 326 + Zoom Nov. 15 Yuming Paul Zhang
Cheng Ouyang University of Illinois, Chicago Parabolic Anderson models in Sierpinski gasket Parker 326 Nov. 29 Le Chen

Past Talks for Stochastic Analysis Seminar at Auburn (SASA)

Speaker University Title Room Date Time Year
Xiong Wang John Hopkins University Necessary and sufficient conditions to solve parabolic Anderson model with rough noise Parker 352 Apr. 12 (Wednesday) 1:10pm--2:10pm 2023 Spring
Yu Gu University of Maryland KPZ on a large torus Mar. 29 (Wednesday)
Cheuk-Yin Lee National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Parabolic stochastic PDEs on bounded domains with rough initial conditions: moment and correlation bounds Mar. 22 (Wednesday)
Mickey Salins Boston University The stochastic heat equation with superlinear forcing Mar. 15 (Wednesday)
Samy Tindel Purdue University Some rough paths techniques in reinforcement learning ACLC 010 Mar. 13 (Monday, special Math Colloquium) 4:00pm--5:00pm
Erkan Nane Auburn University Continuity with respect to fractional order for a family of time fractional stochastic heat equations Parker 352 Mar. 01 (Wednesday) 1:10pm--2:10pm
Le Chen Superlinear stochastic heat equation Jan. 25 (Wednesday)
Jingyu Huang University of Birmingham, UK Fourier transform in SPDE Parker 326 Nov. 08 (Tuesday) 2:30pm--3:30pm 2022 Fall
Lingjiong Zhu Florida State University Langevin algorithms are core Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods for solving Nov. 01 (Tuesday)
Panqiu Xia Auburn University The moment asymptotics of super-Brownian motions Oct. 11 (Tuesday)
Lingjiong Zhu Florida State University The heavy-tail phenomenon in stochastic gradient descent (SGD) Sep. 27 (Tuesday)
Le Chen Auburn University Matching moment lower bounds for stochastic wave equation Aug. 23 (Tuesday)
Antony Pearson Adaptive and hybrid classification with domain-dependent digraphs Parker 352 Apr. 26 (Tuesday) 12:00pm -12:50pm 2022 Spring
Le Chen Bridging the real and imaginary worlds Apr. 19 (Tuesday)
Alex Negash Level of noises and long time behavior of the solution for space-time fractional SPDE in bounded domains Apr. 12 (Tuesday)
Nicholas Eisenberg Oral Exam Mar. 29 (Tuesday)
Andrey Sarantsev University of Nevada, Reno Markov processes on the half-line with slow convergence Mar. 01 (Tuesday)
Yaozhong Hu University of Alberta, Edmonton The lower moment bounds for a large class of stochastic PDEs driven by fractional space-time noises Feb. 15 (Tuesday)
Erkan Nane Auburn University Moments of fractional stochastic heat equations in a bounded domain Feb. 01 (Tuesday)
Nicholas Eisenberg Interpolating the stochastic heat and wave equations with time-independent noise Parker 326 Nov. 02 (Tuesday) 2021 Fall
Le Chen Computing probabilistic moments of the solutions to the stochastic heat equation Oct. 05 (Tuesday)

Information for Speakers


About your talk

Reimbursement procedure

  1. For non U.S. citizen visitors, the host needs first to fill out the following
    form: payment/reimbursement request form.
    This form will be used to determine what additional documentation may be
    needed for each visitor depending on their visa status.
  2. To be reimbursed for your travel, you will need first to register as a vendor.
    There is additional information to help you through the registration if needed located here.
  3. All receipts (flight, ground transportation, etc) should be submitted via email to
  4. Receipts, especially those for meals, need to be itemized.

Transportation from Atlanta Airport to Auburn

  1. Please arrange your travel to Auburn as early as possible.
  2. From Atlanta airport to Auburn, you can take the shuttle bus service -- Gromme Transortation

Hotel at Auburn

About the seminar